August 16, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Yellow Bearded Dragons

While bearded dragons come in various colors and morphs, the Yellow Bearded Dragon stands out for its striking appearance and vibrant hues. 

Yellow Bearded Dragons, sometimes referred to as “Citrus” Bearded Dragons, are a morph or color variation of the standard Bearded Dragon species, scientifically known as Pogona vitticeps. This morph is characterized by its bright yellow or gold coloration, which can vary in intensity and pattern depending on the dragon’s genetics and environment.

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Bearded dragons are native to the arid and semi-arid regions of Australia, where they thrive in warm, dry climates. The Yellow Bearded Dragon results from selective breeding by reptile enthusiasts who aimed to enhance the dragon’s yellow pigmentation, leading to the beautiful and vibrant specimens we see today.

Are Yellow Bearded Dragons Good Pets?

Yellow Bearded Dragons make excellent pets for a variety of reasons. Their bright coloration adds a unique aesthetic appeal to any reptile collection, and their generally calm and friendly temperament makes them suitable for both novice and experienced reptile keepers.


Yellow Bearded Dragons are known for their docile nature. They are generally easy to handle, making them a great choice for families, including those with children. While they do have distinct personalities, most Yellow Bearded Dragons are social and enjoy interacting with their owners.

Ease of Care

Like other Bearded Dragons, the Yellow morph is relatively easy to care for. They require a habitat that mimics their natural environment, which includes proper lighting, heating, and humidity levels. With the right setup and care, they can thrive in captivity.


Yellow Bearded Dragons have a long lifespan, often living between 10 to 15 years with proper care. This longevity allows owners to form a strong bond with their pets over time.


These dragons are known for their curious nature. They often respond to their environment and can recognize their owners, making them interactive and engaging pets.

Read more : How to Setup a Bearded Dragon Habitat ?

Appearance and Characteristics of Yellow Bearded Dragons

Yellow Bearded Dragons are visually striking due to their bright, golden-yellow coloration. This vibrant color can be solid across their bodies or mixed with other patterns and shades, depending on the specific morph.

  1. Coloration: The most defining feature of the Yellow Bearded Dragon is its color. The intensity of the yellow can vary, with some dragons exhibiting a pale lemon shade, while others may display a deep, rich gold. Some Yellow Bearded Dragons may also have patches of white, orange, or red, depending on their genetic background.
  2. Scale Structure: Like all Bearded Dragons, the Yellow variety has a unique scale structure. Their bodies are covered in spiky, rough scales, with a distinct “beard” under their chin that can puff out when they feel threatened or excited. This beard can change color, often turning black when the dragon is stressed or displaying dominance.
  3. Body Shape: Yellow Bearded Dragons have a broad, triangular head, a robust body, and a long tail. Their legs are strong, allowing them to climb and dig, behaviors they naturally exhibit in the wild.
  4. Eyes: The eyes of a Yellow Bearded Dragon are large and round, often matching their body color or contrasting with it, adding to their striking appearance.

Yellow Bearded Dragon Size

Yellow Bearded Dragons are similar in size to other Bearded Dragon morphs. Adult dragons typically range from 16 to 24 inches in length, with males often being slightly larger than females. Their size is influenced by genetics, diet, and overall care.


Newly hatched Yellow Bearded Dragons are small, usually measuring about 4 to 5 inches in length. They grow rapidly during their first year, requiring a diet rich in protein to support their growth.


By the time they are 6 months old, Yellow Bearded Dragons can reach 10 to 15 inches in length. They continue to grow until they reach full maturity at around 18 to 24 months.


Adult Yellow Bearded Dragons can weigh between 300 to 500 grams, with some individuals growing even larger. Their size makes them a substantial but manageable pet for most reptile enthusiasts.

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Morphs of Yellow Bearded Dragons

Yellow Bearded Dragons come in various morphs, each with distinct patterns, color intensities, and scale types. These morphs are the result of selective breeding, which has led to a wide range of visually stunning dragons.

  1. Citrus Morph: The Citrus morph is one of the most common Yellow Bearded Dragon morphs. These dragons have a bright yellow or lemon color that covers most of their bodies, often with minimal patterning.
  2. Hypo Citrus Morph: The Hypo (hypomelanistic) Citrus morph has reduced melanin, resulting in a brighter, more vibrant yellow coloration. These dragons typically have clear nails and lack the dark bands or spots seen in other morphs.
  3. Translucent Morph: Translucent Yellow Bearded Dragons have a unique, semi-transparent appearance, giving their skin a slightly blue or pink hue. Their yellow coloration is often softer, with a glossy finish.
  4. Leatherback Morph: The Leatherback morph has smoother scales than typical Bearded Dragons, giving them a sleek appearance. Yellow Leatherbacks often have intense, uniform coloration with reduced patterning, making them highly sought after.
  5. Dunner Morph: The Dunner morph features irregular scale patterns and varied coloration. Yellow Dunners may have a mix of yellow shades and unique scale orientations, resulting in a one-of-a-kind appearance.

What are the Feeding Habits of Yellow Bearded Dragons?

Feeding a Yellow Bearded Dragon is straightforward, but it’s essential to provide a balanced diet to ensure they thrive. Their diet consists of a mix of insects, vegetables, and occasional fruits.


Protein is a crucial part of a Yellow Bearded Dragon’s diet, especially for juveniles who are still growing. Common feeder insects include crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms. It’s important to gut-load these insects (feeding them nutritious food before offering them to the dragon) and dust them with calcium powder to prevent metabolic bone disease.


Vegetables should make up a significant portion of an adult Yellow Bearded Dragon’s diet. Leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion greens are excellent choices. Other vegetables like squash, bell peppers, and carrots can also be offered.


Fruits should be given sparingly as treats due to their high sugar content. Suitable fruits include berries, apples, and melons. Always remove any seeds and cut the fruit into small, manageable pieces.


While Yellow Bearded Dragons get most of their hydration from their food, it’s essential to provide fresh water daily. Some dragons may not drink from a dish, so misting their enclosure or offering water droplets on their snout can encourage them to drink.


To ensure proper nutrition, it’s important to provide calcium and vitamin D3 supplements regularly. These supplements support healthy bone development and overall vitality. However, over-supplementation can be harmful, so it’s crucial to follow recommended guidelines.

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What is The Lifespan of Yellow Bearded Dragons?

Yellow Bearded Dragons have a relatively long lifespan compared to other reptiles, typically living between 10 to 15 years in captivity. However, with exceptional care, some individuals have been known to live up to 20 years.

Factors Influencing Lifespan


A balanced diet rich in nutrients is essential for longevity. Poor nutrition can lead to health issues that may shorten a dragon’s lifespan.


Providing a habitat that closely mimics their natural environment, including proper lighting, temperature gradients, and humidity levels, is crucial for their well-being.


Regular veterinary check-ups and prompt treatment of any health issues can help prevent complications and extend a Yellow Bearded Dragon’s life.

Signs of Aging

  • As Yellow Bearded Dragons age, they may become less active and require more rest.
  • Their appetite may decrease, and they might lose weight.
  • It’s essential to adjust their care routine as they age to accommodate these changes.

How do you take care of a Yellow Bearded Dragon?

Caring for a Yellow Bearded Dragon involves providing a suitable habitat, a balanced diet, and regular health checks. Here’s a comprehensive guide to their care:

Habitat Setup

Enclosure: A 40-gallon tank is the minimum size for an adult Yellow Bearded Dragon, but larger is always better. The enclosure should be well-ventilated and secure to prevent escapes.

Substrate: Use a safe substrate like reptile carpet, tile, or paper towels. Avoid loose substrates like sand or wood chips, as they can cause impaction if ingested.

Read more : Bearded Dragon Lifespan


Why Do Bearded Dragons Turn Yellow?

Bearded Dragons may turn yellow for several reasons:

  1. Morph Characteristics: If your Bearded Dragon is a Yellow morph, the yellow coloration is a natural part of its appearance. This coloration is more pronounced in some individuals and can become brighter as they mature.
  2. Temperature Regulation: Bearded Dragons change color to regulate their body temperature. They may turn a lighter or more yellowish shade when basking under heat to reflect some of the excess warmth.
  3. Emotional State: Bearded Dragons can change color in response to stress, excitement, or during social interactions. For example, their beard may darken to black, while the body may take on a more yellow hue.
  4. Health Issues: In some cases, a change in color can indicate a health problem, such as jaundice or liver disease. If the yellowing is accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy or loss of appetite, it’s important to consult a veterinarian.

Are Yellow Bearded Dragons Real?

Yes, Yellow Bearded Dragons are real. They are a morph of the common Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps), selectively bred for their vibrant yellow coloration. These dragons are just as real and natural as any other Bearded Dragon, with the only difference being their color, which has been enhanced through breeding practices. The Yellow morph is one of many color variations available, making them a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts.

The Bottom Line

Yellow Bearded Dragons are a captivating and rewarding pet choice for reptile enthusiasts. Their striking coloration, coupled with their manageable care requirements, makes them an excellent addition to any reptile collection. Whether you’re drawn to their vibrant yellow hues or their engaging personalities, Yellow Bearded Dragons offer a unique and fulfilling pet

With the right care, including a proper habitat, balanced diet, and regular health monitoring, Yellow Bearded Dragons can thrive for many years, providing joy and companionship. Understanding their specific needs and behaviors ensures that your Yellow Bearded Dragon remains healthy and vibrant throughout its life. Whether you’re a seasoned herpetologist or a first-time reptile owner, the Yellow Bearded Dragon is a wonderful species to consider.

Olivia Eva
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