June 30, 2024

How Do Big Bearded Dragons Get? (Size & Growth Charts)

Bearded dragons, also known as “beardies,” are popular pets due to their docile nature and manageable size. As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to monitor their growth and ensure they are developing properly. This guide provides detailed information on the growth patterns of bearded dragons, including size charts, weight ranges, and factors influencing their growth.

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How Do Big Bearded Dragons Get? (Size & Growth Charts)

Bearded dragons can vary significantly in size depending on their species, diet, and living conditions. Generally, they reach a length of 18 to 24 inches from head to tail. Growth rates and final size can also be influenced by genetics and overall health.

How Do Big Bearded Dragons Get?

Understanding the growth stages and sizes of bearded dragons is crucial for their proper care and management throughout their lifespan. Bearded dragons undergo significant growth and development from hatchlings to adults, with each stage marked by distinct size characteristics and nutritional requirements.

Baby Bearded Dragon Size

Baby bearded dragons, also known as hatchlings, are typically born at around 3 to 4 inches in length. During the first few weeks of their life, they experience rapid growth. By the time they reach 4 weeks old, they can measure approximately 4 to 5 inches in length and weigh between 5 to 10 grams. At this stage, their diet primarily consists of small insects such as crickets and small mealworms. They require high protein intake to support their rapid growth and development of muscles and bones.

Juvenile Bearded Dragon Size

Juvenile bearded dragons are between 2 to 7 months old. During this stage, they continue to grow quickly but at a slightly slower rate compared to hatchlings. By 6 weeks old, juveniles can reach about 5 to 6 inches in length and weigh around 10 to 15 grams. As they approach 7 weeks old, their size increases to approximately 6 to 7 inches in length and 15 to 20 grams in weight. By 8 weeks old, they can measure around 7 to 8 inches long and weigh between 20 to 30 grams. Juveniles at this stage are actively exploring their environment and require a balanced diet consisting of both insects and finely chopped vegetables to support their growth and provide essential nutrients.

Sub Adult Bearded Dragon Size

Sub adult bearded dragons are typically between 7 to 12 months old. During this stage, their growth rate starts to slow down, and they begin to approach their adult size. By 10 weeks old, sub adults can measure approximately 8 to 10 inches in length and weigh between 30 to 40 grams. As they progress towards 13 weeks old, they grow to around 10 to 12 inches in length and 50 to 90 grams in weight. Sub adults require a diet rich in protein for muscle development and calcium for bone health, along with a variety of vegetables to ensure they receive a balanced diet for continued growth.

Adult/Full Grown Bearded Dragon Size

Bearded dragons reach adulthood around 12 months of age or older, depending on the individual and species. Adult bearded dragons are fully grown and typically reach lengths between 18 to 24 inches from nose to tail tip. Some larger species or specific morphs may grow slightly larger, up to 26 inches in length. Adults generally weigh between 350 to 600 grams, with males typically being larger and more robust than females. At this stage, their growth rate has significantly slowed, and they require a diet primarily consisting of leafy greens, vegetables, and occasional insects to maintain their health and well-being.

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Bearded Dragon Growth Chart

A bearded dragon growth chart is an essential tool for tracking your pet’s development. Here’s a general guide for growth:

Age Size (Length) Weight

0-2 months 3-6 inches 8-20 grams

2-3 months 5-9 inches 20-50 grams

3-6 months 8-18 inches 50-150 grams

6-12 months 16-22 inches 200-400 grams

12+ months 18-24 inches 350-600 grams

How Fast Do Bearded Dragons Grow?

Bearded dragons grow rapidly in their first six months, often doubling or tripling in size. Growth slows significantly after this period, but they continue to develop and gain weight until they reach full maturity around 12 to 18 months.

What Is a Healthy Weight for a Bearded Dragon?

Healthy weight varies depending on the age and size of the bearded dragon. Generally:

Hatchlings (0-2 months): 8-20 grams

Juveniles (2-6 months): 50-150 grams

Sub-adults (6-12 months): 200-400 grams

Adults (12+ months): 350-600 grams

Factors That Influence How Big a Bearded Dragon Can Get

Diet and Nutrition

The diet of a bearded dragon plays a critical role in its growth. A balanced diet rich in proteins, vegetables, and essential supplements is vital for healthy development. Hatchlings and juveniles require more protein from insects to support their rapid growth, while adults benefit from a diet with a higher proportion of leafy greens and vegetables. Proper hydration and calcium supplementation are also crucial to prevent metabolic bone disease and support skeletal development.


The living conditions of a bearded dragon significantly impact its size. Adequate tank size, proper lighting, and temperature gradients are essential for their growth and overall health. UVB lighting is particularly important as it enables the synthesis of vitamin D3, which helps in calcium absorption. Without appropriate lighting and heat, bearded dragons can suffer from stunted growth and other health issues.


Genetic factors determine the potential maximum size of a bearded dragon. Different species and morphs have varying growth potentials, with some, like the German giant morph, capable of growing larger than typical bearded dragons. Understanding the genetic background of your bearded dragon can provide insights into its expected growth patterns.


Overall health is a significant factor in the growth of bearded dragons. Regular veterinary check-ups, parasite control, and prompt treatment of illnesses are essential to ensure they reach their full growth potential. Health issues such as metabolic bone disease, infections, or parasites can severely impact their growth and development.

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Size of Bearded Dragon in Different Stages of Life

4 Weeks Old

At four weeks old, bearded dragons are just beginning their journey of rapid growth. They typically measure around 4 to 5 inches in length from the tip of their nose to the end of their tail and weigh between 5 to 10 grams. During this stage, their diet consists mainly of small insects like crickets and tiny worms, which provide the necessary protein for their early development. It’s crucial to ensure they have access to UVB lighting and a proper heat gradient to support their metabolic processes.

6 Weeks Old

By six weeks, bearded dragons have grown to approximately 5 to 6 inches in length and weigh about 10 to 15 grams. Their appetite increases, requiring more frequent feedings of small insects. At this stage, they start to explore their environment more actively, making it important to provide a spacious and safe habitat. Their scales begin to develop more distinct patterns and colors.

7 Weeks Old

At seven weeks old, bearded dragons continue their rapid growth, reaching roughly 6 to 7 inches in length and weighing between 15 to 20 grams. Their diet should still be rich in protein, with a gradual introduction of finely chopped vegetables. This balanced diet ensures they receive essential nutrients for bone and muscle development. Regular handling can help them become more accustomed to human interaction.

8 Weeks Old

By eight weeks, bearded dragons are about 7 to 8 inches long and weigh between 20 to 30 grams. Their physical development becomes more noticeable, with stronger limbs and a more defined body shape. It’s important to maintain proper humidity levels and a clean environment to prevent respiratory issues and infections.

10 Weeks Old

At ten weeks, bearded dragons typically measure 8 to 10 inches in length and weigh 30 to 40 grams. Their dietary needs continue to evolve, with a more balanced intake of insects and vegetables. Ensuring they receive adequate calcium and vitamin D3 is crucial to prevent metabolic bone disease. By this stage, they become more active and curious, requiring stimulation through environmental enrichment like climbing branches and basking spots.

13 Weeks Old

By thirteen weeks, bearded dragons grow to around 10 to 12 inches in length and weigh between 50 to 90 grams. Their growth rate remains rapid, and they begin to exhibit more distinct personality traits. A varied diet, including a mix of insects and a higher proportion of vegetables, supports their continued development. Regular health checks are important to monitor their growth and prevent any potential issues.

19 Weeks Old

At nineteen weeks, bearded dragons are typically 12 to 15 inches long and weigh 100 to 150 grams. They are transitioning from juveniles to sub-adults, and their growth rate starts to slow down slightly. During this period, providing a larger habitat becomes necessary to accommodate their increased size and activity levels. Consistent feeding schedules and proper lighting continue to be essential for their health.

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Six Months Old

By six months old, bearded dragons generally measure 14 to 18 inches in length and weigh between 200 to 300 grams. They are well into their sub-adult stage, with noticeable muscle development and a more robust appearance. A balanced diet of insects and vegetables, along with proper hydration, is critical. They may start to show more defined territorial behaviors, making it important to monitor interactions if housed with other dragons.

One Year Old

At one year old, bearded dragons are fully grown, measuring between 18 to 24 inches in length and weighing 350 to 600 grams. They reach their adult size, with males typically being larger than females. Their diet should consist mainly of vegetables, with insects provided as occasional treats. Regular veterinary check-ups ensure they remain healthy and any potential issues are addressed promptly. Adult bearded dragons require less frequent feeding but still need a varied and nutritious diet to maintain their health.

Bearded Dragon Weight

Monitoring your bearded dragon’s weight is as important as tracking its length. Sudden weight changes can indicate health issues.

Bearded Dragon Weight Chart

Age Weight Range

0-2 months 8-20 grams

2-3 months 20-50 grams

3-6 months 50-150 grams

6-12 months 200-400 grams

12+ months 350-600 grams

How to Tell If a Bearded Dragon Is Overweight

You can tell if a bearded dragon is overweight by observing its physical appearance and behavior. Look for a round or bulging belly that touches the ground, fat deposits around the limbs, tail, and neck. Overweight dragons may exhibit reduced activity, lethargy, and difficulty moving. Regularly monitor their weight and adjust their diet to include more vegetables and fewer high-fat insects if necessary. Ensuring they have enough space to exercise and providing a balanced diet with appropriate calcium and vitamin supplements helps maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being. If concerned, consult a reptile veterinarian for advice on managing their weight effectively.

How to Tell If a Bearded Dragon Is Underweight

Identifying if a bearded dragon is underweight involves careful observation of its physical appearance and behavior:

Physical Appearance

Look for visible bones along the spine and tail, particularly prominent hip bones and ribs. The fat pads on the head and tail may appear sunken.


Underweight dragons may exhibit lethargy, decreased activity levels, and a lack of interest in food. They might also show signs of weakness or difficulty moving.

Health Issues

Underweight bearded dragons are more susceptible to health problems such as metabolic bone disease and compromised immune function. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to diagnose any underlying health issues contributing to their weight loss.

If you suspect your bearded dragon is underweight, adjust its diet to include more protein-rich insects and ensure it receives adequate vitamins and minerals. Providing a warm and stress-free environment encourages appetite and helps with recovery. Consulting a reptile veterinarian is crucial for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan to help your dragon regain a healthy weight.


How Long Do Bearded Dragons Get?

Adult bearded dragons generally reach lengths of 18 to 24 inches. Some larger species, like the German giant, can grow up to 26 inches.

Why is Bearded Dragon not Growing or Gaining Weight?

Several factors can contribute to a bearded dragon not growing or gaining weight:

Dietary Issues

Inadequate nutrition or a diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals can stunt growth. Improper feeding practices, such as feeding too few insects or not enough variety in vegetables, can also hinder weight gain.

Health Problems

Underlying health issues such as parasites, infections, metabolic disorders, or respiratory problems can affect a bearded dragon’s ability to absorb nutrients and utilize energy effectively, leading to poor growth or weight loss.

Environmental Factors

Incorrect temperature gradients, inadequate UVB lighting, or improper humidity levels can stress bearded dragons and impact their metabolic processes. This stress can suppress appetite and hinder growth. 

Genetic Factors

Some bearded dragons may have genetic predispositions that affect their growth potential. Certain species or morphs may naturally grow larger or smaller than others.

Stress or Environmental Changes

Significant changes in the environment, such as relocation to a new enclosure or changes in habitat conditions, can cause stress and disrupt eating habits, leading to weight loss or slowed growth.

Age and Development Stage

Growth rates vary throughout different stages of a bearded dragon’s life. They typically grow rapidly in their first year and then slow down as they reach adulthood. This natural slowdown in growth should not be confused with an underlying health issue.

The Bottom Line

Understanding the growth journey of bearded dragons is essential for their overall health and well-being as pets. From their tiny beginnings as hatchlings measuring just a few inches to their impressive adult size, these reptiles undergo significant transformations in both size and behavior. Providing proper nutrition, a suitable habitat with adequate lighting and temperature gradients, and regular monitoring of their growth are crucial responsibilities for any bearded dragon owner.

By following the growth stages outlined—from the rapid growth of hatchlings to the slower progression of sub adults and the maintenance of adult size—pet owners can ensure their bearded dragons thrive throughout their lives. Each developmental stage requires tailored care, including a balanced diet rich in proteins, vegetables, and essential nutrients. Ultimately, by prioritizing their health and providing a nurturing environment, bearded dragon owners can enjoy the companionship of these fascinating reptiles for many years to come.

Olivia Eva
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