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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fruits

Bearded dragons, those engaging and friendly reptiles that have become beloved pets, have particular dietary requirements. A mix of both animal and plant-based foods is essential for their health. Typically, their meals consist mostly of insects and leafy greens, but there’s some debate about the place of fruits in their diet.

When given in moderation, fruits can offer variety and a boost of nutrition, providing vitamins such as A and C, antioxidants, and additional hydration. However, fruits should not exceed 10% of their diet due to their high sugar content, which can lead to obesity and dental problems in bearded dragons. 

4 Key Reasons Why Do Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit?

1. Nutritional Variety

Fruits offer a range of essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to a bearded dragon’s health, such as vitamin C for immune function and vitamin A for skin and eye health.

2. Hydration Boost

Since bearded dragons originate from arid environments, fruits with high water content can provide an additional hydration source, helping to prevent dehydration.

3. Fiber Content

Fruits contain dietary fiber which is beneficial for the digestive health of bearded dragons, aiding in bowel regularity and preventing constipation.

4. Behavioral Enrichment

Introducing fruits occasionally can stimulate a bearded dragon’s senses and encourage natural foraging behavior, contributing to mental stimulation and overall well-being.

Benefits of Eating Fruits for Bearded Dragons

Incorporating fruits into a bearded dragon’s diet can offer several benefits:

Enhanced Hydration

Many fruits have high water content, which is beneficial for hydration, especially important in the arid habitats bearded dragons are adapted to.

Dietary Fiber

Fruits provide dietary fiber that aids in digestion and helps maintain gut health, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal issues.

Vitamin Rich

They are a natural source of essential vitamins, such as Vitamin A for eye health and Vitamin C for immune system support.


Fruits contain antioxidants that can help protect bearded dragons from cellular damage and support overall health.

Variety and Stimulation

Offering fruits can add variety to the diet, preventing boredom and encouraging natural foraging behaviors.

Taste and Enjoyment

Fruits can be a tasty treat that bearded dragons enjoy, which can be useful for bonding with your pet or encouraging them to eat other healthy foods when mixed together.

Potential Weight Management

When used as part of a balanced diet, the low-calorie nature of some fruits can help in maintaining a healthy weight for bearded dragons

Why You Should Avoid Fruits to Bearded Dragons?

While fruits can be a healthy occasional treat for bearded dragons, there are several reasons why they should be offered sparingly:

1. High Sugar Content

Fruits often contain high levels of natural sugars, which can lead to obesity and dental problems in bearded dragons if consumed in excess.\

2. Nutrient Imbalance

Overconsumption of fruits can disrupt the delicate balance of nutrients that bearded dragons require, potentially leading to deficiencies or excesses of certain nutrients.

3. Digestive Issues

Some fruits can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest, and too much fruit can cause gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea.

4. Oxalates and Goitrogens

Certain fruits contain compounds like oxalates and goitrogens that can bind to calcium and other minerals, hindering their absorption and potentially leading to metabolic bone disease or thyroid issues.

5. Preference for Sweetness

Bearded dragons may develop a preference for the sweetness of fruits, leading them to refuse more nutritionally complete foods like vegetables and proteins.

6. Acidity

Some fruits are quite acidic and can upset the stomach of bearded dragons or cause mouth irritation over time.

Safe Fruits for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons can enjoy a variety of fruits as an occasional treat, but it’s essential to choose options that are safe for them to consume. These fruits can provide added nutrients and diversity to their diet. Here are some safe fruits for bearded dragons:


Apples are a safe fruit for bearded dragons when fed in moderation.

Remove seeds and the core before offering small, bite-sized pieces.

Apples are a good source of vitamins and fiber.

Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

Berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Offer them as an occasional treat in small quantities.


Grapes are high in water content and can help keep your dragon hydrated.

Slice them into smaller pieces to prevent choking hazards.


Papaya is a tropical fruit that provides vitamins and minerals.

Remove seeds and offer in small portions.


Watermelon is hydrating and can be a refreshing treat.

Remove seeds and offer small, seedless chunks.


Pears are a safe fruit for bearded dragons when offered in moderation.

Remove seeds and provide small, bite-sized pieces.

Pears are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamins.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and can be a healthy treat.

Offer them sparingly as a source of vitamins and minerals.

Fruits to Avoid

Citrus Fruits (oranges, lemons, limes)

Citrus fruits are too acidic and can upset a bearded dragon’s digestive system.

The high citrus content may lead to diarrhea and stomach discomfort.


Avocado contains a toxin called persin, which can be harmful to reptiles.

Ingesting avocado may lead to digestive problems and potential toxicity.


While bananas are not toxic, they are high in phosphorus and sugar.

Feeding them in excess can lead to imbalances in a bearded dragon’s diet.


Kiwi has a high oxalate content, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in bearded dragons.

It’s best to avoid this fruit or offer it very sparingly.


Cherries contain pits that can be a choking hazard and may also contain cyanide.

The pits should be completely removed if you offer cherries to your dragon.


Mango is high in sugar and can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

Feeding it in excess may lead to gastrointestinal issues.


Persimmons can be too sweet for bearded dragons due to their high sugar content.

Feeding them in excess may lead to digestive issues and obesity.


Pineapple is acidic and contains bromelain, which can be harsh on a bearded dragon’s digestive system.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Introduce Fruits into a Bearded Dragon’s Diet

To ensure their health and well-being, introducing fruits into a bearded dragon’s diet should be done gradually and carefully. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Research and Choose Suitable Fruits:

Start by researching safe fruits for bearded dragons.

Make a list of the fruits you want to introduce.

Wash and Prepare the Fruit

Thoroughly wash the fruit to remove any pesticides, dirt, or residue.

Remove any seeds, pits, cores, or inedible parts from the fruit. Ensure that what you offer is safe and easy for your dragon to eat.

Cut the Fruit into Small Pieces

Slice or dice the fruit into small, bite-sized pieces. Bearded dragons have small mouths, so the pieces should be appropriately sized to prevent choking.

Start with a Small Amount

Begin by offering a very small amount of the chosen fruit. You can start with a piece the size of a pea.

Place the fruit in their feeding dish or on a clean surface within their enclosure.

Observe Your Bearded Dragon

Allow your bearded dragon to investigate the fruit on their own.

Observe their reaction and behavior. Some dragons may be curious right away, while others may need time to get used to the new food item.

Monitor for Any Adverse Reactions

Keep an eye on your bearded dragon for the next 24-48 hours after introducing the fruit.

Watch for signs of digestive upset, such as diarrhea or unusual behavior.

Gradually Increase the Amount

If your dragon tolerates the fruit well without any adverse reactions, you can gradually increase the amount over time.

However, fruits should remain a small portion of their diet.

Rotate Fruits and Maintain a Variety

Bearded dragons benefit from a varied diet, so rotate the types of fruits you offer.

Avoid feeding the same fruit every day to ensure a balanced diet.

Balance with Other Food Groups

Remember that fruits should complement their primary diet of leafy greens, vegetables, and insects.

Maintain a proper balance of nutrients for their overall health.

Consult with a Reptile Veterinarian

If you notice any adverse reactions or concerns, consult with a reptile veterinarian for guidance on your dragon’s diet and health.

Table showing how often fruits can be given to bearded dragons

Here is a table showing how often fruits can be given to bearded dragons:

Frequency Fruits
Not recommended
1-2 times
4-8 times


How do I know if a fruit is not good for my bearded dragon?

If the fruit is high in oxalates and goitrogens, is overly acidic, or is known to be toxic to other animals, it’s best to avoid feeding it to your bearded dragon. When in doubt, consult a veterinarian or a reptile nutritionist.

Can baby bearded dragons eat fruits?

Baby bearded dragons should focus on more protein-rich diets for growth, but they can have fruit occasionally in very small amounts. However, it’s generally better to introduce fruits as they get older.

How should fruit be prepared for bearded dragons?

Fruits should be washed thoroughly, peeled if necessary, and cut into small, manageable pieces to prevent choking and aid in digestion.

How often can bearded dragons eat fruit?

Fruits should be fed to bearded dragons occasionally, not as a daily food item. It’s recommended to give fruits as a treat once a week or less.

Can I feed dried fruits to my bearded dragon?

Dried fruits are generally not recommended for bearded dragons due to their concentrated sugar content and lack of hydration benefits.

Can bearded dragons eat the skin of fruits?

Some fruit skins can be tough and difficult to digest, so it’s often recommended to peel fruits before offering them to your bearded dragon.