May 8, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beet Root? Complete Guide

Can bearded dragons eat Beet Root? The answer is YES! These charming little lizards can munch on beetroot as part of their diet. Now, let’s explore this topic further.

I’m Olivia Eva, here to share some insights into the dietary habits of our scaly friends, specifically focusing on bearded dragons. Beetroot is a nutritious vegetable that can offer a variety of health benefits to humans, and it turns out it can do the same for our bearded dragon pals. Rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, beetroot can be a tasty addition to your pet’s diet. However, moderation is key, as too much of anything can upset their sensitive stomachs.

So, join me as we explore the ins and outs of including beetroot in your pet’s diet, ensuring they stay healthy and happy. What are Beet Greens?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beet Green Leaves?

Bearded dragons eat beet leaves as part of their balanced diet not as a staple food. Beet leaves contain high levels of oxalic acid, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption. Therefore, they should be limited to once or twice a week and always supplemented with calcium-rich foods.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Beet Greens?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat beet greens, but they should be limited to once or twice a week and supplemented with calcium-rich foods. Balanced and varied diet for the healthy growth of baby bearded dragons, including insects and other vegetables.

Can I Feed My Bearded Dragon Only Beet Greens?

Beet greens should not make up the entire diet of a bearded dragon. They need a balanced and varied diet that includes protein from insects or other sources and a variety of nourishing vegetables to meet their nutritional needs.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Raw Beets?

While bearded dragons can eat some types of raw vegetables, including carrots and bell peppers, raw beets are not recommended. Beets contain high levels of oxalic acid, which can cause digestive issues and even kidney failure in bearded dragons when consumed in excess.

Raw beets are tough and difficult to digest, making them a choking hazard for these small lizards. If you want to feed your bearded dragon beets, it’s best to cook them first. Lightly steamed or boiled beets can be a healthy addition to a bearded dragon’s diet when fed in moderation.

Can I Feed my Bearded Dragon Canned or Frozen Beet Greens?

Canned or frozen beet greens may lose some of their nutritional value during the preservation process. They may also contain added preservatives or seasonings that can harm your pet. Canned or frozen greens have a different texture or consistency that can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest.

When feeding beet greens to your bearded dragon, it’s always best to choose fresh, raw, or lightly steamed options. This will ensure that they are getting the maximum amount of nutrients and fiber and provide a texture that is easier for them to eat and digest. As with any new food item, it’s important to introduce beet greens slowly and in small quantities to avoid digestive issues.

How To Prepare and Serve Beet Root to Bearded Dragon?

Here are different steps on how to prepare and serve beetgreens to your bearded dragon:

Beet greens are a nutritious part of a bearded dragon’s diet that can provide a variety of vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to properly prepare and serve them to ensure your pet’s health and enjoyment.

Choosing the Right Beet Greens

When selecting beet greens for your bearded dragon, look for fresh, unblemished leaves. Organic is always better as it minimizes the risk of harmful pesticides or chemicals.

Preparing the Beet Greens

Wash the beet greens thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Cut them into small, bite-sized pieces, and discard any tough stems or veins. Be sure to remove any wilted or yellowed leaves, as they can be a sign of decay or spoilage.

Cooking the Beet Greens

Beet greens can be served raw or cooked. If you choose to cook them, boiling or steaming is the best method. Avoid using butter or oil, as they can harm your pet.

Serving the Beet Greens

Once the beet greens are cooked, let them cool down before serving them to your bearded dragon. Place the pieces in a shallow dish or on a plate, and offer it to your pet. If they don’t show interest, try offering it again at another time or mixing it with other foods they enjoy.

EXPERT TIPS: As with any new food item, it’s important to introduce beet greens slowly and in small quantities. Too much new food, especially one that is high in oxalic acid, like beet greens, can cause digestive issues.

What are the Nutritional Benefits of Beets Bearded Dragons?

Beet greens are a nutritious and tasty leafy green that can offer many benefits for bearded dragons when incorporated into their diet. Here are some of the nutritional benefits of beet greens for bearded dragons:

High in Vitamins

Beet greens are a great source of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, and K. These vitamins are essential for maintaining good health and supporting various bodily functions. For example, vitamin A helps with vision and immune function, vitamin C is necessary for the immune system to function properly, and vitamin K helps with blood clotting.

Rich in Minerals

In addition to vitamins, beet greens are also rich in minerals like iron and calcium. Iron is important for producing hemoglobin, which helps carry oxygen throughout the body. Calcium is necessary for strong bones and muscle function.

Low in Oxalates

Unlike some other leafy greens, beet greens are relatively low in oxalates, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in some reptiles. This makes beet greens a safer option for bearded dragons.

High in Fiber

Beet greens are also high in fiber, which can help regulate digestion and promote a healthy gut. This can be particularly beneficial for bearded dragons that may struggle with digestive issues.

Supports Overall Health

Overall, incorporating beet greens into a bearded dragon’s diet can support their overall health and well-being. The vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in beet greens can help promote strong bones, healthy digestion, and a robust immune system.

EXPERT TIPS: Beet greens should be offered as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of insects, vegetables, and other foods. Be sure to research and provide the appropriate portions for your bearded dragon’s age and size.

Nutritional Values of Beet Greens Per 100 grams

According to Healthline, here are the nutritional values of beet greens per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount
Carbohydrates 4.3 g
Magnesium  49 mg
Potassium 762 mg
Calcium 117 mg
Vitamin C   50% DV
Vitamin K 500% DV
Protein 2.2 g
Fiber 3.7 g
Fat   0.2 g

Why Should Bearded Dragons Not Eat Beet Greens Every Day?

Beet greens are not a part of beardies’ staple food and contain high levels of oxalic acid, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption.

  • A diet high in oxalic acid can lead to calcium deficiency and metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons.
  • Bearded dragons need a balanced and varied diet to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Overfeeding beet greens can also lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea or constipation.
  • Limiting beet greens to once or twice a week and supplementing with calcium-rich foods to maintain a healthy diet is recommended.

Are There Any Downsides To Bearded Dragon Having Beet Greens?

While beetgreens can be a nutritious addition to your bearded dragon’s diet, there are a few downsides to keep in mind:

  1. High in Oxalates: Beet greens are high in oxalates, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption, leading to calcium deficiency and potentially fatal metabolic bone disease.
  2. Risk of Pesticides: Beet greens are often sprayed with pesticides, so it’s important to thoroughly wash them before feeding them to your bearded dragon. Choosing organic beet greens can help minimize this risk.
  3. Digestive Issues: Some bearded dragons may have difficulty digesting beet greens, leading to diarrhea or other digestive issues. If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, it’s best to discontinue feeding beet greens and consult with a veterinarian.
  4. Allergic Reactions: Like humans, bearded dragons can have allergies to certain foods, including beet greens. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate veterinary care.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beet Greens?

Beet greens can be a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, but they should not be fed too often. As leafy green vegetables, they contain high levels of oxalic acid, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption.

It is recommended to limit beet greens to once or twice a week and always supplement them with calcium-rich foods such as calcium powder, gut-loaded insects, or calcium-rich vegetables like collard greens or mustard greens. Variety is key in a bearded dragon’s diet.

EXPERT TIPS:  Bearded dragons that are still growing or have health issues should avoid beet greens altogether. The high levels of oxalic acid in beet greens can be harmful to their sensitive systems.

What Other Food Can Bearded Dragons Eat Other Than Beet Root?

Bearded dragons are quite the gourmands when it comes to their diet! Alongside beetroot, they can enjoy a variety of vegetables, fruits, and insects.

Here are some other foods that are safe and nutritious for bearded dragons:

  1. Leafy Greens: Collard greens, kale, mustard greens, dandelion greens, bok choy, and turnip greens.
  2. Other Vegetables: Bell peppers, squash, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, peas, and cucumber.
  3. Fruits: Strawberries, blueberries, apples, grapes, raspberries, mango, papaya, and melon (in moderation).
  4. Protein: Crickets, mealworms, dubia roaches, silkworms, hornworms, superworms, and black soldier fly larvae (as occasional treats).

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Beet Greens? Final Words

Beet greens are a nutritious addition to our diets, but it’s important to consider the potential harm they can cause our beloved bearded dragons. High levels of oxalic acid in beetroot can cause digestive issues and even kidney failure in our scaly friends.

Moderation is key when it comes to feeding beetroot to our pets, and it’s always best to err on the side of caution. By being mindful of the foods we offer our bearded dragons, we can ensure they lead healthy and happy lives by our side.

Olivia Eva
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