June 11, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

I’m Olivia Eva, a reptile enthusiast and digital content creator, and today we’re delving into a common question among bearded dragon owners: Can bearded dragons eat celery? The answer is yes, they can, but in moderation.

Bearded dragons are cool pets, but sometimes it’s tricky to know what foods are safe for them. That’s where we come in! We have spent a lot of time learning about how to take care of these awesome creatures, including what they can eat. Bearded Dragon can eat or other vegetables. Through our expertise, we observed that bearded dragons typically thrive on a diet primarily consisting of worms, along with a mix of vegetables and greens.

Before adding celery to your bearded dragon’s menu, comprehend their dietary requirements. While celery offers a crunchy texture and is low in calories, balance it with other foods. Finding the right mix ensures your scaly friend stays healthy and happy.

If you are curious about whether your bearded dragon can enjoy some celery, stick around! Let’s explore together and find out the answer!


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Sticks?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat celery sticks. However, it’s important to remember that celery should only be offered as an occasional treat due to its low nutritional value and high fiber content.

Celery sticks are low in nutrients compared to other foods. They should only be given as an occasional treat. Offering a variety of foods ensures your bearded dragon gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Tops?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat celery tops. The leafy greens of celery can provide some variety in their diet. However, it’s important to ensure that the tops are thoroughly washed to remove any dirt or chemicals.

Similar to celery sticks, offer the tops in moderation and consider lightly steaming or blanching them to make them easier to digest.

Can Juvenile Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Yes, juvenile bearded dragons can eat celery, but it should still be offered sparingly. Juveniles have specific nutritional requirements for growth and development, so their diet should primarily consist of appropriate protein sources and calcium-rich vegetables. Celery can be given occasionally as a treat, but it should not replace more nutritious foods in their diet.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Baby bearded dragons have delicate digestive systems. They require a carefully balanced diet to support their rapid growth. While a small amount of celery can be offered as an occasional treat. It is not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Focus on providing nutrient-dense foods that meet their specific dietary needs during this critical developmental stage.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Greens?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat celery greens. The leafy greens of celery can provide some variety and added hydration to their diet. As with other parts of celery, it should be offered in moderation.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Root?

While bearded dragons can technically eat celery root. Celery root has a different texture and taste compared to other parts of celery.

It also has lower nutritional value and may be more challenging for bearded dragons to digest. It’s best to focus on other vegetables and greens that offer more suitable nutritional benefits for your scaly companion.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Leaves With Their Skin On?

Bearded dragons can eat celery leaves with their skin on. Notwithstanding, washing the leaves completely before taking care of them to your beardie is prescribed to eliminate any soil or garbage.

Make certain to hack the leaves into little pieces and eliminate any enormous or extreme stems.

How to Feed Celery to Bearded Dragons?

If you’ve decided to offer celery as an occasional treat to your bearded dragon, it’s important to do so in a safe and appropriate manner. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to feed celery to your scaly companion:

  1. Choose fresh, organic celery: Select fresh, crisp celery without rot or damage.
  2. Wash thoroughly: Rinse celery to remove dirt, debris, and chemical residues.
  3. Trim into bite-sized pieces: Cut celery into small, easy-to-eat portions.
  4. Serve raw: Don’t cook or season celery to avoid harmful ingredients.
  5. Mix with other veggies: Offer celery with bell peppers, carrots, collard greens, or butternut squash for variety.
  6. Monitor interest: Observe your dragon’s response; offer different veggies if needed.
  7. Offer in moderation: Treat celery as a supplement, not a staple food, due to its high water content.
  8. Maintain a balanced diet: Include insects (crickets, roaches, mealworms) and leafy greens (collard, mustard, dandelion) in the main diet.
  9. Provide fresh water: Keep clean water available at all times.
  10. Consult a reptile vet if concerned: Seek professional advice for diet and health concerns.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Bearded dragons can eat celery as an occasional treat, but it should not be a regular part of their diet. Due to its low nutritional value and high fiber content, it is best to offer celery sparingly to prevent digestive issues.

Feeding celery once or twice a month is generally sufficient to provide variety and stimulation.

Remember to prioritize a well-rounded diet consisting of primarily insect-based protein sources, supplemented with a variety of vegetables like Cabbage, Onions Tomatoes, and greens that offer the necessary vitamins and minerals for your bearded dragon’s optimal health.

Nutritional Values of Celery for Bearded Dragons

It’s essential to examine its nutritional composition to determine whether it’s a suitable addition to your scaly friend’s menu.

Let’s explore the nutritional values of celery.

Fiber Content

Celery is renowned for its high fiber content, which can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system in humans. For bearded dragons, excessive fiber intake can lead to digestive issues and hinder their ability to absorb essential nutrients.

While a small amount of fiber can be beneficial for digestion, it’s crucial to ensure moderation when offering celery to your reptilian companion.

Water Content

One of the significant advantages of celery is its high water content. This can contribute to the hydration needs of bearded dragons, especially during warmer months or if your pet shows signs of dehydration.

Providing moisture-rich foods like celery can help prevent issues related to inadequate hydration and promote overall well-being.

Vitamin and Mineral Profile

Celery contains some essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium. While these nutrients are beneficial for humans, bearded dragons have different dietary requirements.

They primarily need calcium, phosphorus, and a variety of other vitamins and minerals that support their growth and bone health. Celery, unfortunately, doesn’t offer significant amounts of these specific nutrients.


Another factor to consider is the presence of oxalates in celery. Oxalates can hinder the absorption of calcium and potentially contribute to the development of calcium-related health issues in bearded dragons.

While small amounts of celery are unlikely to cause harm, excessive or frequent consumption should be avoided to prevent any adverse effects.

Nutritional Facts Of Celery in Table Format

According to Healthline, Here’s a table summarizing the nutritional facts of celery per 100 grams:

Nutrient               Amount
Carbohydrates 3.8 grams
Potassium 260 mg
Phosphorus 24 mg
Vitamin K 29.3 mcg
Calcium 40 mg
Protein 0.7 grams
Fiber 1.6 grams
Fat 0.2 grams

What are the Downsides of Celery For Bearded Dragons?

While celery may seem like a tempting option to offer your bearded dragon, there are several downsides and factors to consider before including it in their diet. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

High Fiber Content

Celery is known for its high fiber content, which can be problematic for bearded dragons. Excessive fiber intake can lead to digestive issues and hinder their ability to absorb essential nutrients.

It’s important to maintain a balance and avoid overfeeding celery to prevent potential digestive disturbances.

Low Nutritional Value

One of the significant downsides of celery is its limited nutritional value for bearded dragons. While it contains some vitamins and minerals, it lacks the essential nutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus, that are crucial for reptile health.

Regular consumption of celery can lead to nutritional imbalances if it replaces more nutrient-dense foods in their diet.


Celery also contains oxalates, which can interfere with calcium absorption. Bearded dragons require adequate calcium for proper bone development, and excessive oxalate consumption may contribute to calcium-related health issues.

While small amounts of celery are generally safe, it’s crucial to avoid overfeeding or making it a staple food.

Digestive Issues

Some bearded dragons may have difficulty digesting celery due to its fibrous nature. It can potentially lead to bloating, gas, or even impaction if large pieces are consumed.

It’s important to monitor your dragon’s response to celery and ensure it can properly digest and pass through its system without any complications.

Preference and Variety

Bearded dragons have different taste preferences, and some may not find celery appealing. It’s important to offer a varied diet to prevent monotony and to provide a range of nutrients.

If your dragon consistently shows disinterest or refuses celery, it’s best to respect their preferences and focus on other suitable vegetables and greens.

Reads more : Can bearded dragons eat pears?

The Bottom Line

Bearded dragons can munch on celery sticks, tops, greens, and even celery root sometimes, but not too often. Celery has a bit of water and fiber, which is okay, but it’s not packed with lots of vitamins and stuff that bearded dragons need.

Especially for young bearded dragons, they need a special diet to help them grow big and strong. They should eat more foods with protein and calcium to keep them healthy.

If you want to give celery to your bearded dragon, make sure to clean it well, cut it into small pieces, and maybe cook it a little to make it easier to eat. But remember, their main meals should have lots of good stuff like veggies and protein. So, while celery can be a treat for your scaly friends, make sure they eat a mix of healthy foods to keep them happy and healthy!

Olivia Eva
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