September 10, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms? To address this question, yes, bearded dragons can indeed eat mealworms, but it’s important to consider some essential guidelines. Mealworms should be given as an occasional treat rather than a main component of their diet.

This is because mealworms are high in fat and have a tough exoskeleton that can be challenging for bearded dragons to digest. The recommended amount is a small handful of mealworms once a week.

In this regard, mealworms seem like a tempting option due to their availability and affordability. However, it’s crucial to consider the nutritional value and potential risks associated with feeding mealworms to your bearded dragon.

So, let’s explore the fascinating world of bearded dragon nutrition together!

Are Mealworms Good For Bearded Dragons?

As a responsible bearded dragon owner, you want to provide your scaly companion with a nutritious and balanced diet. One common question that arises is whether mealworms are a suitable food option for these captivating reptiles.

1. Nutritional Value of Mealworms

Mealworms are high in protein, which is essential for bearded dragons’ growth and overall health. They also contain fat, making them a good energy source.

Additionally, mealworms are a decent source of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are crucial for maintaining strong bones and proper bodily functions.

2. Variety in the Diet

Feeding a varied diet is important for bearded dragons to ensure they receive a wide range of nutrients.

Mealworms can be a part of this diversity, offering a different texture and taste compared to other insect options. Including mealworms can help prevent boredom and encourage your bearded dragon to eat.

3. Consideration for Young-Bearded Dragons:

While mealworms can be beneficial for adult bearded dragons, caution should be exercised when feeding them to young dragons. The tough exoskeleton of mealworms can be difficult for young dragons to digest, potentially leading to impaction.

It’s recommended to wait until your bearded dragon is at least a few months old and has grown in size before introducing mealworms into their diet.

4. Moderation and Balance

Like any other food, mealworms should be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. While they offer nutritional benefits, an excessive intake of mealworms can lead to an imbalance in a bearded dragon’s diet.

It’s important to combine mealworms with other insect varieties, such as crickets and Dubia roaches, as well as a variety of leafy greens and vegetables.

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Nutritional Value Of Mealworms

According to The Bug Factory, Here’s a table summarizing the nutritional value of mealworms:

Nutrient  Amount per 100g
Carbohydrates 1.7g
Phosphorus 201mg
Magnesium 50mg
Potassium 205mg
Vitamin B 12 0.17μg
Protein 19.4g
Fibre 1.1g
Fat 13.2g

How to Prepare Mealworms For Bearded Dragons?

If you’ve decided to incorporate mealworms into your bearded dragon’s diet, it’s important to properly prepare them to ensure the health and safety of your scaly friend.

Here are some essential steps to follow when preparing mealworms for bearded dragons:

Selecting Healthy Mealworms

Choose live mealworms from a reputable supplier or pet store. Ensure that the mealworms are active, plump, and free from any signs of illness or parasites. Avoid feeding your bearded dragon mealworms that have been treated with any chemicals or pesticides.

Gut Loading

Before offering mealworms to your bearded dragon, it’s crucial to “gut load” them. Gut loading involves feeding the mealworms with nutrient-rich foods to enhance their nutritional value.

Feed them a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains for at least 24 hours before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

Dusting with Calcium and Vitamin Supplements

To provide essential nutrients, dust the mealworms with a calcium powder and vitamin supplement specifically formulated for reptiles. This ensures that your bearded dragon receives the necessary calcium, vitamin D3, and other vital nutrients.

Dusting should be done immediately before feeding, as the supplements can quickly degrade when exposed to air.

Sizing and Feeding

Consider the size of your bearded dragon when selecting the appropriate-sized mealworms. As a general rule, mealworms should be no longer than the distance between your bearded dragon’s eyes.

This helps prevent choking or impaction. Offer the mealworms to your bearded dragon using feeding tongs or by placing them in a shallow dish within their enclosure.

Monitoring and Cleaning

Observe your bearded dragon while they eat the mealworms to ensure they are chewing and swallowing properly.

Remove any uneaten mealworms after feeding to prevent them from burrowing into the substrate and posing a risk to your pet’s health. Regularly clean the feeding dishes to maintain hygiene.

How to Feed Mealworms To Bearded Dragons?

Baby Bearded Dragons

When feeding mealworms to baby bearded dragons, it’s essential to take extra precautions due to their smaller size and delicate digestive systems.

Select appropriately sized mealworms that are smaller than the width between the baby bearded dragon’s eyes. This prevents the risk of choking or digestive issues.

Jvenile Bearded Dragons:

As juvenile bearded dragons continue to grow, their dietary needs change.

Follow these tips when feeding mealworms to juveniles:

1. Varied Diet: While mealworms can be included in their diet, it’s crucial to offer a variety of other insects and vegetables to ensure a balanced nutrition intake.
2. Gut Loading and Dusting: Continue gut loading the mealworms with nutrient-rich foods before feeding them to the juvenile bearded dragons. Also, remember to dust the mealworms with calcium and vitamin supplements for added nutritional value.
3. Monitoring: Keep a close eye on the juvenile bearded dragons while they eat mealworms to ensure they chew and swallow properly. Remove any uneaten mealworms to prevent the risk of ingestion or escape.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms?

The frequency of feeding mealworms to bearded dragons depends on their age and dietary requirements. Here’s a general guideline:

Baby Bearded Dragons (up to 4 months old)

Baby bearded dragons have higher protein requirements for growth. They can be fed mealworms 2-3 times a week alongside a variety of other appropriately sized insects and leafy greens.

Juvenile and Adult Bearded Dragons (4 months and older)

As bearded dragons grow, their protein needs decrease, and their diet should become more diverse. For juveniles and adults, mealworms can be offered as a treat or an occasional part of their diet. Feeding mealworms once or twice a week, along with a balanced mix of other insects, vegetables, and greens, is usually sufficient.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Feeding Mealworms To Bearded Dragons?

Feeding mealworms to bearded dragons can have potential side effects, particularly if specific precautions are not taken. Here are some important considerations:

Impaction Risk

Mealworms have a tough exoskeleton that can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest, especially if fed in large quantities or if the dragons are young or have underlying digestive issues.

This can lead to impaction, a condition where undigested material obstructs the digestive tract. To minimize this risk, ensure mealworms are appropriately sized and offer them sparingly.

Imbalanced Nutrition

While mealworms offer protein, fat, and some essential nutrients, they should not be the sole or primary source of nutrition.

Feeding mealworms excessively can result in an imbalanced diet, lacking in other crucial nutrients. It’s essential to provide a variety of insects, vegetables, and leafy greens to ensure a well-rounded diet.

Chitin Intolerance

Some bearded dragons may have chitin intolerance, which refers to an inability to fully digest the exoskeletons of insects.

This can result in gastrointestinal distress, including bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. If you notice any adverse reactions after feeding mealworms, consult a veterinarian to determine if chitin intolerance is the cause.

Allergies or Sensitivities

Like any food, bearded dragons can develop allergies or sensitivities to mealworms.

Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, swelling, or respiratory distress. If you observe any abnormal symptoms after feeding mealworms, discontinue their consumption and seek veterinary advice.

How to Minimize the Risks Associated with Mealworms?

  • Control portions to avoid overfeeding and reduce the risk of impaction.
  • Gut load mealworms with nutrient-rich foods and dust them with calcium and vitamin supplements.
  • Offer a varied diet, including other insects, leafy greens, and vegetables to ensure balanced nutrition.
  • Monitor digestion and watch for signs of impaction or digestive issues.
  • Rotate insect types to prevent over-reliance on mealworms.
  • Consider individual needs based on age, health, and sensitivities.
  • Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to address any concerns and make necessary dietary adjustments.

What Size of Mealworms Should I Feed my Bearded Dragon?

The size of mealworms should be smaller than the width between your bearded dragon’s eyes. This prevents the risk of choking or digestive issues. It’s important to choose the appropriate size based on your dragon’s age and size.

Can I Feed Wild-Caught Mealworms to My Bearded Dragon?

It is generally recommended to avoid feeding wild-caught insects to your bearded dragon due to the risk of pesticide exposure or parasites. It’s best to source mealworms from reputable suppliers or breed them yourself for safe consumption.

Can Bearded Dragons Become Addicted to Mealworms?

Bearded dragons can develop a preference for mealworms due to their high-fat content. It’s essential to offer a varied diet to prevent them from becoming overly reliant on mealworms and to ensure a balanced nutrient intake.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Mealworms?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dried mealworms, but they should be given sparingly. Dried mealworms have a higher concentration of protein and fat compared to live mealworms, so they should be considered as occasional treats rather than a staple part of their diet.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworm Beetles?

While bearded dragons can technically eat mealworm beetles, it is generally recommended to avoid feeding them to your dragon. Mealworm beetles have a tougher exoskeleton and are not as nutritionally beneficial as larvae. It’s best to stick to feeding your bearded dragon the mealworm larvae instead.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dead Mealworms?

It is not advisable to feed bearded dragons dead mealworms. Dead insects can pose a higher risk of bacterial contamination and may not provide the same nutritional value as live insects. It’s best to offer live and healthy mealworms to ensure the well-being of your bearded dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Freeze-Dried Mealworms?

Freeze-dried mealworms are not recommended as a regular part of a bearded dragon’s diet. While they are safe to consume occasionally, freeze-dried insects tend to have lower nutritional value compared to live or fresh alternatives. It’s best to prioritize feeding your bearded dragon live or freshly frozen mealworms for optimal nutrition.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworm Pupa?

Mealworm pupae are generally safe for bearded dragons to eat. Pupae have a soft exoskeleton and are rich in nutrients, making them a suitable option. However, it’s important to ensure that the pupae are appropriately sized for your dragon, and as always, they should be gut-loaded and dusted with calcium powder before feeding.

At What Age Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms?

Bearded dragons can start eating mealworms at a young age, typically around 2-3 months old. It’s important to note that younger dragons have different dietary needs, and their diet should primarily consist of small-sized insects to prevent choking hazards. As they grow older, their mealworm intake can be adjusted accordingly to accommodate their size and nutritional requirements.

What Alternative Worms Can Bearded Dragons Eat Other than Mealworms?

Bearded dragons have a varied diet, and while mealworms are a popular staple, there are several alternative worms that can be incorporated into their feeding routine.

One such option is phoenix worms, also known as calciworms or soldier fly larvae. These small, soft-bodied larvae are rich in calcium, making them a nutritious choice for bearded dragons. Another alternative is silkworms, which are high in protein and low in fat. They are gentle on the digestive system and provide a good source of nutrients.

Further, red wiggles, butter worms, superworms, and hornworms can be offered as occasional treats to add variety to their diet. It’s important to ensure that any worms provided are appropriately sized for your bearded dragon’s age and size, and they should always be gut-loaded and dusted with calcium powder to enhance their nutritional value.

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The Bottom Line

Mealworms can be a part of a balanced diet for bearded dragons, but they should not be the sole or primary source of nutrition.

By following proper guidelines, such as controlling portions, gut-loading the mealworms, and offering a varied diet, you can provide your dragon with the benefits of mealworms while reducing the chances of complications.

It is crucial to remember that mealworms should be fed sparingly, especially for younger dragons, as they have higher protein requirements during their growth phase. Monitoring your dragon’s health, observing their digestion, and seeking veterinary advice when needed are essential for their well-being.

Olivia Eva
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