June 16, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Wigglers?

I am thrilled to dive into the fascinating world of bearded dragons and their dietary preferences. If you’re an owner of these delightful reptiles, you must have wondered about the variety of foods they can safely consume. One such curiosity that often arises Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Wigglers?, the popular type of earthworms. Well, today, we’re here to shed some light on this topic and provide you with verified information.

Bearded dragons are known for their omnivorous nature, relishing a wide range of foods that include insects, fruits, vegetables, and even the occasional small mammal. However, when it comes to earthworms like red wigglers, caution is advised. While bearded dragons can eat certain types of worms, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks associated with introducing red wigglers into their diet.

Red wigglers, scientifically known as Eisenia fetida, are commonly used as composting worms due to their ability to break down organic matter efficiently. They possess a high protein content, making them a potentially tempting choice for your bearded dragon. However, not all worms are created equal when it comes to their nutritional composition and the impact they can have on your pet’s health.

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What are the Nutritional Benefits of Red Wiggle For Bearded Dragons?

One of the valuable food sources for these reptiles is the red wiggle, also known as red wiggler worms. This article explores the nutritional benefits of red wiggle for bearded dragons.

High Protein Content

Red wiggle worms are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is vital for bearded dragons’ growth, tissue repair, and overall development. Protein is essential for muscle building, maintaining healthy skin, and supporting the immune system. Red wiggle worms can supplement the protein intake of bearded dragons and help meet their dietary requirements.

Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and play a crucial role in various physiological processes. Red wiggle worms contain a balanced profile of essential amino acids, including arginine, leucine, and lysine, which are necessary for optimal health and growth of bearded dragons. These amino acids support the production of enzymes, hormones, and antibodies, contributing to overall well-being.


Red wiggle worms are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that are vital for the proper functioning of a bearded dragon’s body. They are a good source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B12. Additionally, red wiggle worms provide minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and iron, which are necessary for bone strength, energy production, and oxygen transport.

Moisture Content

Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for bearded dragons, as they are prone to dehydration. Red wiggle worms have a high moisture content, which can contribute to a bearded dragon’s hydration needs. Including these worms in their diet can provide additional moisture and aid in maintaining adequate hydration levels.

Enrichment and Stimulation

Aside from their nutritional benefits, red wiggle worms offer enrichment and mental stimulation for bearded dragons. These worms provide a wriggling movement that can trigger a bearded dragon’s natural hunting instincts, promoting physical activity and mental engagement during feeding sessions.

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Nutritional Values of Red Wiggle for Bearded Dragons

According to Healthline,  a table showcasing the nutritional values of red wiggle worms (per 100 grams) for bearded dragons:

Nutrient  Amount per 100g
Carbohydrates 3.7 grams
Phosphorus 301 milligrams
Vitamin A 1000 IU
Moisture 73.9 grams
Calcium 42 milligrams
Protein 17.2 grams
Fiber 1.1 grams
Fat 3.6 grams

How to Prepare Red Wiggles For Bearded Dragons?

When it comes to feeding red wiggle worms to bearded dragons, proper preparation is essential to ensure the safety and health of your pet reptile.

The following step-by-step guide on how to prepare red wiggle worms for bearded dragons, ensuring they are safe and nutritious for consumption.

Sourcing Red Wiggle Worms

Obtain red wiggle worms from a reputable supplier that specializes in providing live feeders for reptiles. Ensure that the worms are healthy, active, and free from any signs of illness or parasites.

Gut Loading

Before feeding red wiggle worms to your bearded dragon, it’s crucial to enhance their nutritional value by gut-loading them. Gut loading involves feeding the worms a nutritious diet to ensure they are packed with essential nutrients.

Provide the worms with a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality gut load products available in pet stores. This process usually takes 24-48 hours.

Dusting with Calcium and Vitamins

To further enhance the nutritional value of red wiggle worms, you can dust them with calcium and vitamin supplements. Use a calcium powder specifically formulated for reptiles and lightly coat the worms before feeding.

This helps provide additional calcium and other essential nutrients to support your bearded dragon’s overall health.

Proper Size and Quantity

Consider the size of your bearded dragon when offering red wiggle worms. The worms should be an appropriate size for your reptile to prevent choking hazards.

Generally, juvenile bearded dragons can consume smaller worms, while adult dragons can handle larger ones. Feed the worms as a treat or supplement to their regular diet, ensuring moderation and not overfeeding.

Live Feeding or Freezing

Some bearded dragons may enjoy the challenge of hunting live red wiggle worms, which can provide mental stimulation. However, if you prefer, you can also freeze the worms before offering them to your bearded dragon.

Freezing eliminates any potential parasites or pathogens present in the worms, making them safe for consumption.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Red Wigglers?

Bearded dragons can eat red wigglers as part of their diet, but the frequency should be moderate. Red wigglers should be considered as a treat or occasional supplement rather than a daily staple.

It is recommended to offer red wigglers to bearded dragons once or twice a week, in combination with a well-balanced diet consisting of insects, vegetables, and fruits.

Providing a varied diet ensures that bearded dragons receive a wide range of nutrients necessary for their overall health and well-being.

Downsides of Red Wigglers For Bearded Dragons

While red wigglers (red wiggler worms) can offer nutritional benefits to bearded dragons, it’s important to be aware of potential downsides associated with their use in their diet. Explores some of the downsides of feeding red wigglers to bearded dragons.

Imbalance in Calcium and Phosphorus

Red wigglers have a high phosphorus content compared to calcium. This can lead to an imbalance in the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which is crucial for maintaining proper bone health and preventing metabolic bone diseases in bearded dragons.

Feeding red wigglers too frequently without balancing their phosphorus levels can contribute to calcium deficiency and related health issues.

Parasite Transmission

One of the potential downsides of feeding live feeders like red wigglers is the risk of parasite transmission. Red wigglers sourced from unreliable suppliers or unsanitary conditions may carry parasites that can infect bearded dragons.

Parasites can cause digestive disturbances, weakness, weight loss, and other health problems in reptiles. It is crucial to source red wigglers from reputable suppliers and ensure they are properly cleaned and gut-loaded before feeding them to bearded dragons.

Limited Nutritional Variety

While red wigglers provide protein and some essential nutrients, they do not offer the same nutritional diversity as a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits.

Relying too heavily on red wigglers as a primary food source can lead to nutritional deficiencies over time, as bearded dragons require a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for optimal health.

Potential Choking Hazard

Depending on the size of the red wigglers and the bearded dragon’s age, there is a risk of choking or blockage in their digestive tract. It’s important to consider the appropriate size of the worms and monitor your bearded dragon while feeding to prevent any potential choking hazards.

Can bearded dragons choke on red wigglers?

Depending on the size of the worms and the age of the bearded dragon, there is a risk of choking or blockage. It’s essential to choose an appropriate size for your reptile and closely monitor them during feeding to prevent any choking hazards.

Can bearded dragons of all ages eat red wigglers?

Yes, bearded dragons of all ages can eat red wigglers. However, it is important to consider the size of the worms and adjust accordingly to prevent any choking hazards, especially for younger or smaller bearded dragons.

Can I breed red wigglers at home for my bearded dragon?

Yes, it is possible to breed red wigglers at home for your bearded dragon. However, it requires proper knowledge and set-up to ensure a healthy breeding environment. Research proper vermiculture techniques or seek guidance from knowledgeable sources before attempting to breed red wigglers.

Can bearded dragons eat freeze-dried or dried red wigglers?

While freeze-dried or dried red wigglers may still retain some nutritional value, they are generally less preferred than live or freshly frozen ones. Live or frozen red wigglers are typically more beneficial as they offer more moisture and simulate natural hunting behaviors.

Are there alternative Worms options besides red wigglers for bearded dragons?

Yes, there are other suitable worm options for bearded dragons, such as mealworms, super worms, butter worms, Grub Worms, and silkworms. These worms provide variety in terms of texture and nutrition, allowing for a more diverse diet.

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Red wigglers can be a beneficial addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, providing them with protein and nutrients. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential downsides and considerations when feeding red wigglers to your reptile companion. The key is moderation and balance. Red wigglers should not replace the variety of insects, vegetables, and fruits that form the foundation of a bearded dragon’s diet.

Relying too heavily on red wigglers can limit the nutritional variety that bearded dragons need for optimal health. To mitigate these concerns, it is important to consult with a reptile veterinarian or specialist for personalized advice tailored to your bearded dragon’s specific needs. They can guide you on appropriate feeding frequency, portion sizes, and potential dietary modifications based on your reptile’s age, size, and overall health.

Olivia Eva
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