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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Vegetables

Bearded dragons, the personable reptiles native to Australia, have dietary needs that must be carefully managed to mirror their omnivorous foraging in the wild. Vegetables aren’t just a healthy addition to a bearded dragon’s diet; they are a necessity. 

As bearded dragons grow older, vegetables become increasingly important in their diet. While they need more protein during their youth, adult bearded dragons should get 80-90% of their nutrition from vegetables. Dark leafy vegetables such as collard greens, mustard greens, and turnip greens are particularly beneficial, loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, along with calcium and essential minerals. 

However, not all vegetables are created equal. Some, like spinach and beet tops, can bind calcium and should be offered sparingly to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Feeding a diverse mix of vegetables daily not only caters to their nutritional requirements but also keeps meal times interesting, encouraging natural browsing behavior. Thus, a bearded dragon’s vibrant health is maintained through a colorful mosaic of vegetables, each contributing its unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, ensuring these cherished pets thrive under the care of informed enthusiasts.

4 Facts That Make Vegetables A Part of Bearded Dragons Diet

The following health facts make vegetable a good soure of nutrition in bearded dragons diet. 

1. Crucial for Growth and Health

Bearded dragons, especially adult ones, must have a diet heavily weighted towards vegetables, which should constitute about 80-90% of their daily food consumption. This significant proportion is essential for ensuring they receive the required nutrients and fiber that contribute to their overall health.

2. Nutrient Powerhouses

Vegetables are particularly high in vitamin A, which is key to keeping skin healthy and vision sharp, vitamin C, essential for a robust immune system, and calcium, which is vital for maintaining bone strength.

3. Digestive Health

The fiber content in vegetables is key for the digestive health of bearded dragons. It aids in smooth digestion and helps to prevent constipation, a common health issue in these reptiles.

4. Hydration Helpers

Besides drinking water, bearded dragons can obtain additional hydration from vegetables due to their high water content. This is particularly important in captive environments where humidity and water intake need to be closely monitored.

Benefits of Vegetables for Bearded Dragons

Vegetables offer numerous benefits to bearded dragons, which are crucial for their health and longevity:

Nutritional Balance

They provide a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, which are important for maintaining good vision, a robust immune system, and effective blood clotting.

Bone Health

High in calcium, vegetables are essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones, helping to prevent metabolic bone disease, a common and serious health issue in bearded dragons.

Digestive Health

The fiber found in vegetables facilitates healthy digestion, ensuring that bearded dragons have regular bowel movements and are less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal issues.


Vegetables have high water content, which helps to keep bearded dragons hydrated. Proper hydration is necessary for physiological processes, including digestion and nutrient absorption.

Weight Management

With low calories and fat, vegetables help in maintaining a healthy weight in bearded dragons, thereby reducing the risk of obesity.

Mental Stimulation

Foraging for a variety of vegetables can provide mental stimulation, satisfying the natural behavioral instincts of bearded dragons.

Disease Prevention

A diet rich in vegetables can help prevent diseases by boosting the overall immune system and contributing to a healthier, more resilient reptile.

By incorporating a variety of vegetables into their diet, owners can ensure that their bearded dragons lead a vibrant and healthy life.

Why Can't Bearded Dragons Take Vegetables in Their Daily Diet?

Bearded dragons can and should have vegetables in their daily diet; in fact, it’s an essential part of their nutrition, especially as they grow older. However, the confusion might arise from the fact that not all vegetables are equally beneficial for bearded dragons, and some must be limited or avoided. 

Here’s why moderation or avoidance is necessary for certain types:


Some vegetables contain oxalates or oxalic acid, which can bind to calcium and other trace minerals, making them unavailable for absorption by the dragon. Overconsumption of such vegetables can lead to calcium deficiencies and potential health issues like metabolic bone disease.


Vegetables like cabbage and kale contain goitrogens, which can interfere with iodine absorption and potentially lead to thyroid problems. Hence, these should only be a small part of the diet.

Phosphorus Content

Vegetables with a high phosphorus-to-calcium ratio can be detrimental because phosphorus can also bind with calcium and inhibit its absorption, which is why the balance between these two minerals is vital.

Water Content

While hydration is essential, too much water from vegetables can dilute stomach acids and lead to digestive issues. It can also cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and nutrient loss

Recommended Vegetables for Bearded Dragons

When it comes to feeding bearded dragons vegetables, it’s important to offer the right amount for optimal health. The recommendations for vegetable intake can vary based on the age and size of the bearded dragon. Here’s a guideline for the recommended amount of vegetables:

For Juvenile Bearded Dragons (Under 18 months)

Vegetables should make up about 20-30% of their overall diet.

Offer a small bowl of finely chopped vegetables once a day.

Since they need more protein at this stage, vegetables are less than insects in their dietary ratio.

For Adult Bearded Dragons (Over 18 months)

Vegetables should comprise about 80-90% of their diet.

Offer a larger bowl (approximately 1/2 to 1 cup) of mixed vegetables daily.

Adults can have a lower frequency of insect feeding, so the emphasis on vegetables increases.

When feeding bearded dragons, a variety of vegetables should be incorporated to ensure a balanced diet. Here are additional vegetables with their recommended daily amounts:

Mustard Greens

Rich in calcium and nutrients, offer a small handful (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup chopped) daily as part of the leafy green mix.


High in fiber, a few thin slices or about 1-2 tablespoons chopped can be included in the daily salad.


Contains important vitamins but should be offered in moderation due to goitrogens, no more than twice a week, mixing only a few leaves (1/4 cup chopped) with other greens.


Mostly water; it’s good for hydration. Offer 2-3 thin slices or about 1/4 cup chopped a few times a week.

Green Beans

It can be cut into small pieces and offered daily, about 1-2 tablespoons, as part of the vegetable mix.

Bok Choy

A good source of calcium offered sparingly due to goitrogens, about 1/4 cup chopped no more than twice a week.


It is very fibrous and can be tough to digest; it should be given occasionally and finely chopped, no more than 1 tablespoon.


It can be offered once or twice a week as part of the vegetable mix, about 1 tablespoon.

Romaine Lettuce

Low in nutrients but can add variety and hydration; offer a few leaves (1/4 cup chopped) occasionally.

Swiss Chard

Offer sparingly due to oxalates, no more than once a week, with just a few leaves (1/4 cup chopped) mixed into the salad

Vegetables to Avoid For Excessive Intake Due to Potential Health Risks

Certain vegetables should be avoided or severely limited in a bearded dragon’s diet due to potential health risks. 

Here’s a list of vegetables to be cautious with:


Although nutritious for humans, spinach contains high levels of oxalates, which can bind calcium and prevent its absorption, possibly leading to calcium deficiencies.

Lettuce (Iceberg)

It is mostly water that lacks nutritional value and can also cause diarrhea due to its high water content.


Extremely toxic to bearded dragons, it contains oxalic acid, which can cause kidney failure.


Contains substances that are toxic to many pets, including bearded dragons, and can cause heart failure.

Onions and Garlic

Both have compounds that can be toxic to bearded dragons, potentially leading to digestive and blood abnormalities.


Regular potatoes can be hard to digest and offer little nutritional benefit. They also contain solanine, which can be toxic.


While not toxic, tomatoes are very acidic and should only be offered as a treat on a very limited basis.


Contains solanine, the same toxin found in potatoes, and should be avoided.

Beet Tops

The leaves have high levels of oxalates, which can inhibit calcium absorption. The roots can be offered occasionally in small amounts.

Wild Picked Greens

Unless you are certain of what you’re picking and that they haven’t been treated with pesticides or aren’t naturally toxic, it’s best to avoid them.

Vegetables Preparing Steps for Bearded Dragons

A simplified 7-step guide to preparing vegetables for bearded dragons:

Choose Fresh Vegetables

Select a variety of fresh, preferably organic, vegetables to provide a balanced mix of nutrients.

Wash Thoroughly

Rinse all vegetables under cold water to remove any dirt, chemicals, or potential contaminants.

Chop Appropriately

Cut the vegetables into small, manageable pieces suitable for the size of your bearded dragon to ensure they can be easily eaten and digested.

Lightly Steam 

Some vegetables can be lightly steamed to soften them, making it easier for your dragon to chew and digest, but this is optional.

Combine for Variety: Mix different types of vegetables to create a diverse and nutritionally complete meal.

Dust with Supplements

If required, lightly dust the vegetables with a calcium or vitamin supplement according to your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Serve and Remove

Place the vegetables in a clean feeding dish and remove any uneaten portions after 24 hours to maintain hygiene and prevent the growth of bacteria.

Table showing How Often Vegetables Can be Given to Bearded Dragons

Frequency Vegetables Intake
Daily  Leafy greens (e.g., collard greens, dandelion greens, endive)
WeeklyOther vegetables (e.g., carrots, squash, sweet potatoes) – 2 to 3

Treat vegetables (e.g., kale, spinach) – 1 to 2 times a month


Can baby bearded dragons eat the same vegetables as adults?

Baby bearded dragons can eat the same vegetables as adults, but in smaller quantities and finely chopped to avoid choking hazards.

Do I need to supplement vegetables with vitamins or minerals?

Vegetables should be dusted with a calcium supplement several times a week and a multivitamin supplement once or twice a week to ensure nutritional needs are met.

Can bearded dragons have a vegetable-only diet?

No, while vegetables are crucial, bearded dragons also need a source of protein, especially in their juvenile stage. Insects are typically included in their diet for protein.