May 12, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples? Know The Health Benefits

Apples are tasty fruits with a mix of sweet and sour flavors. They are perfect for a refreshing snack or add flavors to the recipes. Apples benefit us, but do they also provide advantages for our pet bearded dragons? Absolutely! Apples offer valuable nutrition to your dragon’s diet weekly. We emphasize the importance of dietary requirements. Apples boast vitamins A and C, but their high sugar content (19 g) is a point of concern. This is a perfect answer that can bearded dragons eat apples. As we observe, a balanced diet for your pet should include the following items this juicy apple.

  • Leafy greens (like Mostaza, turnip leaves, and so on)
  • Worms (Mealworm beetle and so on)
  • Vegetables ( Spinach, Tomato, and so on)
  • Protein sources

Read more : Bearded dragon can eat more fruit .

It is not wrong to say that the apple is the safest fruit to give to your pet every day. Our expertise underscores the significance of treating apples as occasional delights rather than dietary staples. Remember, bearded dragons do not need fruit daily. They only require 10-20% fruits in their diet.

Spoiler Alert: Yes, they can! However, as with any aspect of reptile care, there are important considerations to keep in mind. So, grab a seat, prepare to learn, and let’s embark on this fruity adventure together!

What is the Best Age to Feed Bearded Dragons Apples Safely?

When you are feeding apples to your bearded dragons, age is the major factor to look for. Bearded dragons are not able to eat apples for a certain age.

Baby Dragons (typically under a year old)

You should avoid apples if your pet is a small baby of a few months or days. Their sensitive digestive systems do not allow to digestion of apples. Further, they have small and delicate teeth that are unable to chew smoothly. Baby dragons have four pleurodont teeth and one central egg tooth.

Juvenile Dragons (between one and two years)

Bearded dragons of more than one year are also unable to eat apples properly. They have more developed teeth but not enough to chew an apple properly.

Adult Dragons(over two years)

You can safely give apples occasionally to your fully developed dragon. Now, they have mature digestive systems and fully developed teeth.

NOTE: Introduce apples to bearded dragons around two years old when your pet is completely grown.

How Much Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples ?

One or two small slices of apple per serving is typically sufficient. Offer small amounts of apple to your bearded dragon once or twice a week.

Consider the size of your bearded dragon when determining serving portions. Larger dragons eat slightly larger servings of apples compared to smaller ones.

Furthermore, the preparation method can impact how well your bearded dragon tolerates apples. Some dragons prefer thinly sliced apples, while others enjoy small diced pieces. Some bearded dragons have individual preferences when it comes to the taste and texture of different types of apples.

Green Apples

PNG wing

Some prefer the sweeter taste of Fuji apples, while others prefer the tartness of the Granny Smith apple.

You can also try occasional apple sauce for bearded dragons. While apple sauce is made from apples and may seem harmless, it contains added sugars, preservatives, and other ingredients that can be unhealthy for your beardie.

The texture of applesauce is not suitable for their digestive system.

NOTE: If you choose to offer your bearded dragon applesauce as a treat, ensure it is unsweetened free from artificial sugar, and free from any additives.

How Do You Feed Apples To My Bearded Dragon?

As we mentioned earlier your Bearded dragon needs a little preparation of the Apple before serving. Similarly, feeding your bearded dragon apples requires an easy preparation method. This is done to ensure that your dragon can safely consume the nutritious parts of the apple. While avoiding any components that may be harmful to them.


The first step you need to do is to select ripe apples that are free from bruises and blemishes.


Now you need to wash the apple under running water to remove any dirt or pesticides from the surface.


Remove the Peel of the apple to get its nutritious flesh of it. Apple peels are difficult for bearded dragons to digest compared to the flesh. They contain higher concentrations of pesticides or other chemicals.

Note: You can try dehydrating apple peels to create crispy chips. You can blend them into a puree or even mix them with other fruits and vegetables. This made a nutritious salad. Just ensure that any preparation method maintains the integrity of the peel’s nutritional benefits. It should be safe for your reptile friend.


Cut the apple into small pieces and remove the core and seeds. These parts cause choking hazards. Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which releases cyanide when chewed or digested. Cyanide is toxic and harmful to your bearded dragon’s health. This can potentially cause symptoms such as

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • difficulty breathing
  • Even death in severe cases


Depending on your dragon’s response, adjust the quantity of apples offered in the future.


Store any leftover apple in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for future use.


Rotate apple treats with other fruits and vegetables to provide variety in your dragon’s diet.

Introduce apples gradually to your bearded dragon’s diet to allow its digestive system to adjust. Start with small amounts and monitor your dragon’s reaction for any signs of digestive distress or other adverse effects. Follow these tips to ensure your dragon can safely enjoy this delicious treat!

Read more : Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cherries?

Why Should Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

One of our team members, food specialist David Foster, describes the nutritional benefits of apples for bearded dragons, which is why they can be included in their diet in moderation.

He gave some reasons based on his expertise why apples are good for your scaly friend:

1. Vitamin C For Immunity

Apples are a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for the immune system. Adequate vitamin C intake helps support your dragon’s immune response, keeping them healthy and able to fight off infections.

2. Fiber For Healthy Digestion

Apples contain dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion in bearded dragons. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, prevent constipation, and maintain gut health.

3. Antioxidants as a Stress Reducer

Apples contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants support cellular health and may reduce the risk of oxidative stress-related diseases.

4. Oral Health

Gnawing on apple slices can help promote dental health in bearded dragons by providing a natural abrasive action that helps remove plaque buildup on their teeth.

5. Heart Health

The soluble fiber in apples, specifically pectin, can help lower cholesterol levels in bearded dragons by binding to bile acids and removing them from the body. This may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and promote heart health.

6. Regulation of Blood Sugar

Despite containing natural sugars, apples have a moderate glycemic index, meaning they release sugar into the bloodstream gradually. This can help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, promoting stable energy levels and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders in bearded dragons.

Nutritional Value Of Apple

According to Healthline, here is a table showing the approximate nutritional values for a medium-sized (182g) apple:

Nutrient Amount
Carbohydrates 13.81g
Vitamin C 4.60 mg
Phosphorus 20 mg
Potassium 107 mg
Magnesium 5.00 mg
Calcium 5.78 mg
Protein 0.26g
Fiber 4.8g
Fat 0.17g

The nutritional value varies slightly depending on the variety of apples.

Read more : Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens?

Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Have Apple All The Time?

While apples can provide nutritional benefits, feeding them to your bearded dragon all the time can have negative health consequences. Sarah Thompson, a veterinary specialist, describes some side effects bearded dragons have to face.

Here are some reasons why:

Potential Allergies

Like humans, bearded dragons can develop allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, including apples. Feeding apples too frequently increases the risk of developing adverse reactions, such as skin irritation, gastrointestinal discomfort, or respiratory issues.

Digestive Upset

Bearded dragons have sensitive digestive systems that may not tolerate the high fiber content of apples if consumed in large quantities. Overfeeding apples can lead to digestive upset, including diarrhea or gastrointestinal blockages.

Dental Health

While gnawing on apple slices can help promote dental health, excessive consumption may lead to dental issues over time. The natural sugars in apples can contribute to dental decay and other oral health problems if not balanced with proper dental care and a varied diet.

Risk of Choking

Even though apples are typically cut into small pieces for bearded dragons, there is still a risk of choking, especially if the pieces are not adequately sized or if your dragon tries to swallow them whole. This risk is higher if your dragon eats too quickly or without proper chewing.

Potential for Fatty Liver Disease

Excessive consumption of sugary fruits like apples can contribute to the development of fatty liver disease in bearded dragons.

This condition occurs when the liver becomes overwhelmed by the metabolism of sugars and fats, leading to liver dysfunction and potentially life-threatening complications.

It is best to prepare a plate of different food items for your pet.

Final Thoughts

Giving apples is like giving candy to a kid a little is okay, but not too much! If you are ever unsure about what’s best for your dragon, don’t hesitate to consult with a veterinarian who knows about reptiles. Keeping your bearded dragon’s diet balanced and nutritious can help them live a long, healthy, and happy life.

If you have tried giving apples to your dragon, share your story below! Your experience can help others learn how to take care of their scaly friends. Don’t forget to tell your friends about it too! They might have dragons who would love a little apple snack too!

Olivia Eva
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