May 12, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens? (Full Guide)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens? Absolutely Yes! As a proud bearded dragon owner, I highly recommend adding mustard greens to your pet’s diet. Initially, I was hesitant, but once I introduced this green vegetable, my bearded dragon couldn’t get enough of it.

It’s safe to say that bearded dragons love mustard greens, and it’s not hard to see why. Apart from being a delicious treat for your pet, mustard greens are also rich in antioxidants that can help improve your bearded dragon’s immune system.

Since I started incorporating mustard greens into my pet’s diet, I have noticed a positive change in their overall health.

What Are Mustard Greens For Bearded Dragons?

Mustard greens, the leafy greens that grow on the mustard plant, have a distinct flavor profile that is often compared to Celery and collard greens.

These greens are a favorite amongst many due to their versatility in cooking. They can be used in various dishes, including salads, soups, stews, and stir-fries. In addition to being delicious, mustard greens are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that benefit the human body.

These include vitamin K, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. With such a wide range of nutrients, it’s no surprise that mustard greens are considered one of the healthiest vegetables.

Do Bearded Dragons Like Eating Mustard Greens?

Most beardies love these greens because of their unique and peppery taste. Adding mustard greens to your pet’s diet can also add variety and flavor to their meals.

Every bearded dragon is unique, and while most may love mustard greens, some find the taste too strong and prefer plainer greens. If you’re not sure whether your pet will like mustard greens, it’s best to start with a small portion mixed with other leafy greens and observe their reaction.

EXPERT TIP: Mustard greens should be introduced slowly and in small amounts, especially for baby bearded dragons. Too much of any new food can upset their delicate digestive system.

Benefits of Mustard Greens: A Nutritious Superfood

Mustard greens are a type of leafy green vegetable that is packed with nutrients and health benefits. These greens are a great addition to any diet and can be used in various dishes.

Here’s everything you need to know about the nutritional benefits of mustard greens.

Vitamins and Minerals

Mustard greens are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They are particularly high in vitamin K, essential for bone health and blood clotting. They also contain vitamin C, folate, calcium, iron, and potassium.


In addition to their high vitamin and mineral content, mustard greens are also rich in antioxidants. These compounds help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to various health problems.

Mustard greens contain compounds like kaempferol and quercetin, which have been shown to have powerful antioxidant effects.

Digestive Health

Mustard greens are also good for digestion. They are high in fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system functioning properly.

They also contain compounds like glucosinolates, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve gut health.

Versatile and Delicious

Finally, one of the best things about mustard greens is their versatility. They can be used in salads, soups, stews, stir-fries, and more.

Their peppery flavor and nutritional benefits make them a great addition to any meal.

EXPERT TIP: Be sure to wash and prepare the mustard greens properly before feeding them to your baby bearded dragon. Pesticides and other harmful substances can be present on the leaves, so it’s important to ensure they’re clean and safe for consumption.

Nutritional Information For Mustard Greens Per 100g

According to Healthline, here are the nutritional facts about mustard greens for bearded dragons:

Nutrient                Amount per 100g
Beta Carotene  3300mcg
Phosphorus  51mg
Magnesium 25mg
Potassium 314mg
Vitamin A  277mcg RAE
Vitamin C 70mg
Calcium 105mg
Protein 2.86g
Fat  0.4g

How to Prepare & Serve Mustard Greens For Your Bearded Dragon

Mustard greens are a great addition to your bearded dragon’s diet. They are a good source of nutrition and can help keep your pet healthy.

How to prepare and serve mustard greens for your bearded dragon.

Selecting and Preparing Mustard Greens

When selecting mustard greens, look for fresh, crisp leaves with no signs of wilting or yellowing.

Wash the leaves thoroughly in cool water to remove any dirt or debris. Chop the leaves into small pieces, removing any tough stems.

Serving Mustard Greens

There are a few ways to serve mustard greens to your bearded dragon. You can mix them with other leafy greens as part of a salad, or you can offer them as a treat. Some bearded dragons prefer cooked greens, so you can steam the mustard greens until they are soft.

Monitoring Your Bearded Dragon’s Intake

As with any new food, it’s important to monitor your bearded dragon’s intake of mustard greens.

Start with small amounts and gradually increase the amount over time. Be sure to offer a variety of different greens and vegetables to ensure a well-rounded diet.

EXPERT TIP: Be sure to provide a variety of greens in your baby bearded dragon’s diet, including other leafy greens like collard greens and kale. This will ensure they receive a well-rounded balance of nutrients.

How Do You Introduce Mustard Greens into a Bearded Dragon’s Diet?

Introducing mustard greens to a bearded dragon’s diet should be gradual to ensure proper digestion and acceptance. Start with small portions mixed with familiar greens.

Monday: Offer a small piece of mustard green mixed with their usual salad. Observe for acceptance.

Tuesday: Increase the mustard green quantity slightly if Monday’s feeding went well.

Wednesday: Continue with a slightly larger portion of mustard greens, monitoring behavior and stool.

Thursday: Maintain portion size. Ensure hydration and normal activity.

Friday: If all is well, make mustard greens a substantial part of the salad.

Saturday: Continue monitoring, and keep a balanced mix in the salad.

Sunday: Assess the week’s progress. If the bearded dragon has adjusted well, mustard greens can now be a regular part of their diet. Adjust quantities based on size, age, and activity.

Are There Any Risks to Bearded Dragons Eating Mustard Greens?

While mustard greens can provide many health benefits for bearded dragons, there are a few potential risks to consider:

Oxalates: Mustard greens, like many leafy greens, contain oxalates. Oxalates can bind with calcium and prevent absorption, leading to metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons. However, this risk can be minimized by feeding your bearded dragon a balanced diet that includes a variety of calcium sources.

Goitrogens: Mustard greens contain goitrogens, which can greatly interfere with thyroid function. However, the amount of goitrogens in mustard greens is relatively low, and they are unlikely to cause issues if fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Pesticides: If you are feeding your bearded dragon commercially grown mustard greens, there is a risk that they have been treated with pesticides or other chemicals. To minimize this risk, consider purchasing organic or pesticide-free greens or growing your own.

Allergies: Like humans, bearded dragons, including mustard greens, can develop allergies to certain foods. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling or itching, discontinue feeding mustard greens and consult a veterinarian.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens?

Bearded dragons can eat mustard greens as often as 2-3 times a week, but it’s important to remember that they should not make up the majority of their diet. A varied diet that includes a mix of greens, vegetables, and protein sources is key to ensuring your bearded dragon receives all the nutrients they need.

The number of mustard greens you feed your bearded dragon will depend on its size and age. Younger dragons need smaller amounts, while adult dragons can handle larger servings.

Is It Safe For Young Bearded Dragons To Eat Mustard Greens?

Yes, it is safe for young bearded dragons to eat mustard greens in moderation. Younger dragons have different nutritional needs than adult dragons and require a different balance of nutrients in their diet.

Younger dragons need smaller portions of mustard greens than adult dragons, so monitoring their intake and adjusting as necessary is important. As with any new food, it’s also a good idea to introduce mustard greens gradually to ensure your young dragon tolerates them well.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat mustard greens in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

They require smaller portions and different nutritional needs compared to adult bearded dragons. It’s important to monitor their intake and adjust accordingly to ensure they are receiving the proper nutrition.

Can I Grow My Own Mustard Greens?

Yes, you can easily grow your own mustard greens in a garden or container. Mustard greens prefer cooler temperatures and partial shade, making them a great fall or spring crop option.

They also grow quickly, so you can enjoy fresh mustard greens in a few weeks. You can purchase seeds at a gardening store or online to grow your own mustard greens.

Can Bearded Bragons Eat Cooked Mustard Greens?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat cooked mustard greens. However, it is important to avoid seasoning or adding spices, as these can harm your pet.

Where Can You Buy Mustard Greens?

Mustard greens can typically be found at most grocery stores and farmers’ markets. You can also find them at Asian grocery stores or specialty produce stores. When purchasing mustard greens, look for fresh, crisp leaves with no signs of wilting or yellowing.

You can also find frozen mustard greens in some stores, which can be a convenient option for feeding your bearded dragon.

Alternatives to Mustard Greens in a Bearded Dragon Diet

Bearded dragons flourish with a diverse diet, especially when it comes to greens. Prime alternatives to mustard greens include nutrient-dense collard, dandelion, and turnip greens, perfect for daily feeding.

Introduce kale and Swiss chard sparingly, as their higher oxalate levels necessitate moderation. Incorporate endive and escarole for added variety and nutritional balance. Rotating these greens ensures a robust blend of essential vitamins and minerals, fostering optimal health. Embrace this variety to not only nourish your bearded dragon but also to keep their meals engaging and enjoyable.

What are the Major Mustard Greens Health Concerns For Bearded Dragons?

Mustard greens are generally safe for bearded dragons, but they do contain goitrogens, substances that can disrupt thyroid function if consumed in excessive quantities. Moderaction is key to avoid potential thyroid issues. Offer mustard greens as part of a varied diet to ensure your bearded dragon receives a harmonious mix of nutrients.

Read more : Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage Leaves?


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mustard Greens Every Day?

Bearded dragons can eat mustard greens every day as part of a healthy and balanced diet. However, it is important to rotate different types of vegetables and greens to provide a variety of nutrients.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frozen Mustard Greens?

Bearded dragons can eat frozen mustard greens. However, it is important to make sure that the greens are not freezer-burned or spoiled.

Read more : Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dragon Fruits?

Final Thoughts

Incorporating mustard greens into your bearded dragon’s diet is a great way to provide them with a nutritious and balanced meal. The vitamins and minerals in these greens make them a superfood for humans and reptiles. Additionally, the calcium content in mustard greens is essential for preventing metabolic bone disease in your pet lizard.

As a result, they should be given in generous amounts along with other leafy greens to provide a well-rounded diet for your bearded dragon. So, add mustard greens to your pet’s diet and see them thrive with good health and energy.

Olivia Eva
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