May 15, 2023

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?

Cucumbers are a natural source of hydration which you can give to your bearded dragon every two weeks. It is not a staple food but it should be given in moderation. Your bearded friends get the much-needed minerals by eating Cucumber. But minerals are not the only nutrients they need.

All types of bearded dragons, such as the popular Pogona vitticeps, the striking Pogona henrylawsoni (Rankin’s dragon), and the captivating Pogona microlepidota, enjoy the occasional serving of cucumber.

Cucumbers do not contain the entire set of proteins and vitamins for their proper health and growth. For this, we need to choose a variety of food that provides nutrition in a balanced form. Cucumber is a great crunchy part of our salad but is it as healthy for our bearded dragons as it is for us?

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?

While cucumbers are generally safe for adult bearded dragons, they are not recommended for baby bearded dragons due to their hard texture.

Baby bearded dragons have different dietary needs compared to adult bearded.

Dietary needs and development stages of baby bearded dragons

Newly Hatched (0-1 Day)

Baby dragons are very small when they are born. They get their food from a special sac inside the egg, so they do not eat hard food items like cucumbers.

First Week

In their first week, baby dragons are still getting used to their new world. They do not eat much during this time, and it is best not to give them cucumbers. Because they need different kinds of food to grow strong.

First Month

During their first month, baby dragons should eat things like small bugs and leafy greens. Cucumbers do not have what they need to grow healthy, so it is better to skip them.

Second Month

As they get a little older, baby dragons still need their special diet of bugs and greens. Cucumbers don’t have the right stuff for them, so it’s still best to avoid giving them to baby dragons.

Third Month and Beyond

Even when they are a bit older, baby dragons should keep eating their special foods. Cucumbers do not have everything they need, so it’s better to give them other veggies and fruits instead.

NOTE: At the age of about 5 to 6 months of baby bearded dragons, you can add directly 15-20% of plants to your diet. We recommend you increase the nutritional value by having multiple foods rich in protein.

How To Prepare Cucumbers for Bearded Dragons?

If you find it difficult to prepare cucumbers for your pet, you must look at these easy-to-go steps. Feeding and handling cucumbers to your reptile pets is tricky. This requires your proper attention. You need to take proper considerations to avoid any potential health risks.

4 Steps on how to prepare and satisfy cucumbers.

1. Choose Fresh Cucumber

First of all, you need to make your selection best. Choose fresh cucumbers with a full green color. The green color shows the ripe fruit that is not soft or wrinkled. This indicates that the fruit is already spoiled.

2. Clean the Cucumber

After choosing the right cucumber, it is time to rinse it completely under the running tap. Doing this will remove the mud or sand. You can also use a vegetable brush to scrub lightly if necessary.

3. Remove the Skin

The cucumber peels are coarse and cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This causes inability and constipation in your pet. You should avoid offering cucumber skin or peel to your beardies. Because they contain pesticides and other chemicals. These chemicals are dangerous for the health of your pet. You can either peel the skin using a peeler or a sharp knife.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumber Peels

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumber Peels

NOTE: If you want to feed your pet cucumber peels, wash them thoroughly. This will remove most of the pesticides or chemicals that may be present.

4. Cut into Small Pieces

Cut the cucumber into pieces for your pet that make them easy to chew. Peeling and cutting cucumbers is helpful for their digestive system.

How to Feed Cucumbers to Bearded Dragons?

You can provide a balanced diet to your dragons with these ideas.

  1. Incorporate with other vegetables: Beardies need different foods to stay healthy. You can give them various leafy greens like collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and Swiss chard, along with cucumbers. This diversifies food, thus providing a balanced diet.
  2. Mix with live insects: This spiny reptile also needs live insects as part of their diet. Mix small pieces of cucumber with live insects. You can choose insects like crickets, mealworms, and catalpa worms, which are good sources of protein. This helps to maintain a more diverse diet.
  3. Avoid Processed Cucumbers: It would be better to exclude pickled cucumbers from your pet’s menu. Pickled cucumbers are also known as pickles. These cucumbers go through the fermentation process with vinegar, salt, and sugar, often added as a preservation method. These additives are bad and can possibly upset the pet’s digestive system.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pickled Cucumbers?

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?

Cucumbers should not go beyond 50% of a dragon’s meal. They can eat cucumbers every two weeks. They cannot eat cucumber frequently. This can lead to imbalances in your dragon’s diet. This may result in potential digestive issues.

Health Benefits of Feeding Cucumber to Bearded Dragons

Cucumbers offer several health benefits. Some of them are listed below.

1. Oral Health

The crunchy texture of cucumbers can help promote chewing and may contribute to oral health by reducing the buildup of plaque and tartar on the bearded dragon’s teeth.

2. Cooling Effect

Cucumbers have a refreshing and hydrating effect. Most Bearded dragons do not like to drink water from the pot or dish. Offering them the most hydrated food is a good and efficient way to fulfill their water needs. With the 95% water content of Cucumber, you can also look for

  • Asparagus (92%)
  • Bell peppers (92%)
  • Cauliflower (92%)
  • Mushrooms (92%)

These foods are a rich source of water content. If your pogona having dehydration you can offer any of this food.

3. Eye Health

Cucumbers contain antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin A, which may support eye health in bearded dragons by promoting good vision and reducing the risk of eye-related issues.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Cucumbers are a good source of vitamins and minerals that can benefit your bearded dragon’s overall health. If your bearded dragon is suffering from Cholelithiasis, you can offer cucumber as part of its diet.

For instance,

  • Cucumbers contain vitamin C, which can help support the immune system.
  • Vitamin K is significant for blood clotting and bone health.

Cucumbers serve minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium for proper bodily functions. Even cucumber leaves are a good source of nutrition for your pet but in small quantities. You need to prepare them in an appropriate manner.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumber Leaves?

Photo courtesy of Meg McGrath, Cornell University, LIHREC, NY.

5. Helps Prevent Constipation

Cucumbers have different phytochemical properties. These properties make them antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-constipation. Bearded dragons are prone to constipation, which can lead to serious health issues.

Cucumbers, which contain high fiber content, support healthy digestion and prevent constipation. Munch your pet pumpkins, as they also have several nutritional benefits.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds help reduce inflammation in the body. Cucumber is good if your bearded dragon is suffering from inflammation-related health issues.

5. Aids in Shedding

As you know, bearded dragons shed their skin periodically. When you feed them cucumbers, it helps support healthy shedding.

Cucumbers contain silica, which is an essential mineral for healthy skin, nails, and hair. This ensures your pet has all the nutrients they need for healthy shedding.

Nutritional Values of Cucumbers for Bearded Dragons

Our food specialist David Foster gives us a table of nutrients. This outlines the nutritional values of cucumbers for bearded dragons, according to Healthline.

Nutrient Amount per 100g
Carbohydrates 3.6g
Phosphorus 24mg
Potassium 147mg
Vitamin C 2.8mg
Calories 15
Protein 0.6g
Calcium 16mg
Fiber 0.5g
Fat 0.2g

Health Risks of Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Cucumbers

If you are giving your pet cucumber on a daily basis, you may experience some serious issues. Some of the negative effects are.

Imbalanced Diet

Cucumbers provide a certain number of vitamins and minerals to bearded dragons. Yet, they are not a full source of nutrients.

Long-term health concerns can arise from excessive cucumber feeding. This is because of an imbalanced diet.

Digestive Problems

Bearded dragons have sensitive gastrointestinal tracts. This may lead to a number of digestive disorders because of incorrect nutrition.

Cucumbers are hard to digest, especially the outer skin and the seed inside. This in turn causes impaction, which is a condition where the undigested matter gets clogged in the digestive tract. Seeding cucumbers is likely to be problematic for bearded dragons. They are serious choke hazards, particularly for young dragons. Cucumber seeds contain compounds called cucurbitacins, which are mildly toxic in large quantities.

Too many cucumber seeds will cause gastrointestinal problems like constipation.

Pesticide Exposure

The cucumbers usually have a set of treatments using pesticides and other chemicals to repel pests and diseases. These substances pose a threat to bearded dragons’ health if they are not cleansed.

Metabolic Bone Disease

Cucumbers are oxalate-containing foods that have a unique ability to bind calcium. When the calcium binds its absorption hinders.

Bearded dragons need calcium for normal development and bone health. The estrogen in such foods as cucumber makes calcium disappear. Too much consumption can cause metabolic bone disease. .


If you observe your bearded dragon not satisfied with cucumber due to a bitter taste. You can try Persian cucumbers, also known as baby or mini cucumbers. These are sweeter than regular cucumbers. Having less or no seeds with less water content.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mini Cucumbers

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mini Cucumbers

Mini cucumbers are of different types. It is essential to understand the different types available. There are various cultivars of mini cucumbers.

  • Persian cucumbers: Thin-skinned cucumbers known for their crisp texture and mild, slightly sweet flavor. They are usually seedless or contain small, tender seeds, making them ideal for your pet.
  • English cucumbers: Also known as seedless or hothouse cucumbers, are long, slender cucumbers with dark green, smooth skin and minimal seeds. They have a crisp texture and a mild, subtly sweet flavor.
  • Cocktail cucumbers: Small, bite-sized cucumbers with thin, tender skin and crunchy flesh. They have a crisp texture and mild, refreshing flavor. Cocktail cucumbers are ideal for snacking, pickling, or adding to appetizers and salads for your pet.

Read more  : Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage Leaves?

The Bottom Line

You can keep cucumbers healthy for your bearded dragons as long as they are appropriately prepared and fed. Cucumbers are a source of hydration, vitamins, and minerals, and they can be counted on. Moreover, they can add variety to your pet’s diet.

Try to identify the probable risks associated with a cucumber diet. The beardie diet should contain cucumbers in small amounts for a balanced diet.

If you have any doubts or inquiries about your pet’s nutrition, do not forget to contact your veterinarian. While cucumbers can be a hydrating snack, they should be part of a balanced diet alongside other vegetables and protein sources. Try offering your bearded dragon a small piece of cucumber and observe how they respond.

Let us know in the comments below how your bearded dragon reacts and how beneficial you find it for their health!

Olivia Eva
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